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  • We were told by a job worker that if my husband is going to school full-time (for 10month prgm) that that would be considered his full-time job to get cash assistance and i would be able to stay home with our 2 children who are 5 and 3
  • Apartment has had leaks for years so stated. I moved in Dec. 2011. Leaks have been never ending when it does rain. Mgmt. company is likely to be fed up with me in complaints, and ask me to move. Is there anything to be done this side of making it worse for both of us?
  • The father of my children has been absent for 4 years now because he is physically abusive and a drug addict. I do not want him to have access to the children if something were to happen to me as I fear he would harm them. So what can I do to take his parental rights away permanently?
  • When my ex husband and I were going through a divorce proceeding the child support amount was so minimal that the judge decided to not award support. Now, however, the child support is needed due to change in finances. Would I submit a new case or would I submit a modification case?
  • Our Mobile Home Management has requested all residents submit copies of the title to their mobiles and home owners insurance. Is this something we must comply with, even though we are not in the process of selling our homes?
  • landlord is wanting to list the home for lease and have access to the home. Do they have this right? The lease is not up for 4 mote months. We have offered to leave earlier and she does not want that. But thinks she has the right to list and show the home.
  • I was servd an order of protection from an exlover who i was in a long term gay relatinship with. since being served he has contacted me via e mail and phone several times. In addition he has visited me in my home, came over for intimate visits, etc. Is he legally allowed to do this being that he was he one who originated thee order?
  • Is there protection for tenants in foreclosure actions now that the federal act's sunset provision has taken effect?
  • If I am filing a small claim for wrongly withholding deposit, do I bring my claim against the landlord or the property management company, or both? The property management company is who made the decision to withhold the deposit.
  • What about lemon laws in AZ for used cars? My rights.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program