
Family and Children


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  • My son father lives in Fl and I live in SC. He is asking me to move to FL so he can be closer to his son. Our son 20 mos and has some disability. Is he obligated to pay for moving expenses and helping with household expenses BC he wants us to move. And all my support is in SC. So I'm be carrying the load all by myself.
  • If both parents agree to 50/50 custody and neither want to pay or recieve child support what is the law? Will one of the parents have to pay some amount?
  • Can I put a restraining order on my wife for myself and our three children? We are in the middle of a divorce and the kids live with me, I take care of them, she hardly calls or comes to see them but everytime I don't give her money she threatens to take them and remove them from school while I'm at work? I need an order of protection to keep her away until the court hearing. Can I do this?
  • My ex wife has not let me see our daughter in almost a year. We share joint custody. I have called and texted at least 2x a week with no response this whole time. I just received notice of intent to relocate minor child to North Carolina. How do I respond to this? What papers do I file? How do I get her to let me see my daughter again?
  • 4 years ago I had a child and the father has never been involved or even tried to contact us. I have been with the same man since my child was born and he wants to adopt! Do I have to contact the birth father to have him relinquish his rights?
  • I share joint custody of our 10 year old with my exhusband (I am primary), am I able to modify our visitation agreement if has not taken our son to school (called him in absent) for the last 5 Fridays in a row without my knowledge or consent?
  • me and my wife split but she told me if im not with her i cant have no contact with my 1 year old son. she left turned her phone off and has not contacted me about my sons waer abouts or safty and her family tells me there in mexico witch i dont believe but she tells me not to call. i just want to know since we are legley married can she do that and do i have rights to have my son or at least see him?
  • Hello in a divorce decree where both parents have legal decision-making if a child needs mental health treatment or counseling and the father continues to refuse to sign off on a consent or refuses to allow the child to receive any treatment, can a judge intervene and file an emergency order without the fathers consent so the daughter can receive the needed treatment.
  • If a father's rights are severed can you still get child support from then



  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program