Can a landlord dictate where a child sleeps? Saying a child over 2 “needs” their own bedroom. Not only is this nickel and diming parents to pay the extra rent for more rooms it feels extremely discriminating and invasive of parental rights. Telling me where my child can and can’t sleep, basically not allowing bedsharing or trying to get families with kids to move elsewhere cause they can’t afford adding another bedroom to their budget.
how long does a property management company have to accept or deny your application for occupancy? How do they have to respond if you are denied?
When looking for a roommate, can I advertise "male only" so that the shared bathroom is used by only males. A female sharing a bathroom with a male could cause discomfort for the existing roommate. Is sexual discrimination illegal in Arizona for roommate situations?
I am currently looking for a home to rent and have a profile on a housing site. I recently inquired about a rental home. The homeowner contacted me and asked me a series of questions. She then text me how I afford rent and utilities on Long Term Disability and also stated she is worried that my boyfriend who would be on the lease works out of town. My question is are they allowed to profile you like that. Clearly I wouldn't inquire in the home if we could not afford it. She asked if I was aware of the rental price and I expressed we pay more now where we live. She set a showing and now ignores my call
hi my landlords are refusing to do anew lease they are thing of selling the realtor gave us a 60 day notice but i haven,t found anything yet i still have to pay them rent and they wont fix the home where i live at
Can a landlord refuse to allow a tenant (single parent) to add a minor child to the lease?
I have gotten a swing set from someone and a male care to my house saying it was theirs. Can they come onto my property and take it?
Are landlords allowed to park across the street and watch a unit at 2:30am ? only to later use what he or she saw as evidence in an informal hearing to terminate a tenant?
what can i do to az landlord who raised rent in retaliation to my tenancy
Are Homeowners Associations subject to State and Federal Fair housing discrimination laws?