Child Custody
questions & answers
Question: I have been divorced for over three years. I have primary physical custody of my children but share legal custody with my ex. We live in two different cities. My son is autistic. Can we legally register my son to attend school in the Tempe district even though he is only at his father's home in Tempe 30% of the time? Or do we need to revise the physical custody agreement in order to legally enroll him?
Answer: The following is provided for general information only and should not be construed as legal advice. To determine how the law applies to your specific situation, you may consider consulting an attorney. The Tempe Elementary School District practices open enrollment at this time, allowing students from outside the geographical boundaries of the district to attend given sufficient space. You may consider calling them at (480) 730-7480. For information about high school enrollment, you may consider consulting Any other districts you may be considering will likely be able to answer your questions, please contact them directly.
I have been divorced for over three years. I have primary physical custody of my children but share legal custody with my ex. We live in two different cities. My son is autistic. Can we legally register my son to attend school in the Tempe district even though he is only at his father's home in Tempe 30% of the time? Or do we need to revise the physical custody agreement in order to legally enroll him?
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