Child Custody
questions & answers
Question: I never married my son's father. We have agreed that he stays with me Sun pm through Thur am. Thur am through Sun evening he stays with his father. His father has been very confrontational with me on several occasions when he picks him up. The pick up/drop off location is my parents house because it is a halfway point. I also have witnesses on how he treats me. I am concerned that he will use the fact that he works for the AZ DOC to gain credibility over me and try to take our son from me simply because he is angry with me. What legal action can I take to ensure that he abides by our agreement
Answer: You can find the forms to file for custody at the following court website: If not located in Maricopa, other counties should have similar web services. Courts will look at evidence presented to determine best interest of child.
I never married my son's father. We have agreed that he stays with me Sun pm through Thur am. Thur am through Sun evening he stays with his father. His father has been very confrontational with me on several occasions when he picks him up. The pick up/drop off location is my parents house because it is a halfway point. I also have witnesses on how he treats me. I am concerned that he will use the fact that he works for the AZ DOC to gain credibility over me and try to take our son from me simply because he is angry with me. What legal action can I take to ensure that he abides by our agreement
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