Arizona Foundation For Legal Services & Education Profile

The Arizona Foundation for Legal Service & Education promotes access to justice for all Arizonans.

4201 N 24th St
STE 210
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Phone: (602) 340-7366


  • What is the Arizona statute of limitations for a car loan on a repossessed car? 4 years or 6 years? When does it start running? After the first missed payment, or after the car gets auctioned off? Some people say the S.O.L. is 4 years because it is a car loan, and falls under this law: "47-2725. Statute of limitations in contracts for sale A. An action for breach of any contract for sale must be commenced within four years after the cause of action has accrued." Others say it is a written contract and therefore is subject to the standard 6 year S.O.L. Which one is correct?
  • My babies grandfather asked to keep baby Thursday night so we could get rest. This morning I called to check on her she said she was okay and that his younger son and girl friend were gonna watch baby. I went to the hospital cause my stitches tore to my c-section. Got released called to check on baby and ask them to bring her to me. grandfather said she is not there saying she is in tucson then mexico and that I abandoned her for 48 hrs. They won't tell me where my baby is. Do I call the cops? I thought they were trying to help not take my baby.
  • What does "Undesignated" mean when it is under the EVENT TITLE on the Docket for the Judges calendar for a Return hearing in a family court case??
  • If a child is charged with domestic violence against a parent and the child is 16, does this stay on the childs record permately?
  • Is it a breach of contract if apartment says they have ac when really its a chiller.
  • 0ust went to the car lot purchased a car for 5700 dollars cash gave them 5300..drove home owing the remaining balance in 30 days can they repo
  • Is a dealership under any legal obligation to disclose that a vehicle's manufacturers warranty has been voided?
  • i need modify join custody to sole custody, do to her iligal activity.what is the way to do so?
  • My landlord agreed to accept my late payment however when I notified him my air conditioner wasn't working he refused to fix and demanded I pay additional late fees if I wanted it fixed then I had a week or so to move. I haven't paid the rent due to my fear of being evicted after paying leaving me w nothing. My roof has a hole in it repaired 4 times that leaks w black mold. He's aware of all w pics and messages stating he won't fix air until he's paid. Can he do that?
  • So my apartment doesn't have heat and I have a little baby. This morning it was cold so I decided to turn on the heat and then I noticed there isn't any heat. Talked to thr neighbors and they said none of the apartments did. Is it the apartments responsibility to have a heater in the apartment? It's getting colder and I worry about my baby.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program