Arizona Foundation For Legal Services & Education Profile

The Arizona Foundation for Legal Service & Education promotes access to justice for all Arizonans.

4201 N 24th St
STE 210
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Phone: (602) 340-7366


  • i have 3 children and my self i would like to know the income limits for food stamps and access insurance i make around 2,400 a month before i go through the process
  • I got married in Tucson and now divorced. i didn't return back to my maiden last name when it was finalized. but i wish to change my last name, but not to my maiden last name but to my childrens last name. do i have to go back and file for a name change in Tucson, or can i do it here in Phoenix? My children have their dads last name and we don't want to get married but do i need his permission to do so? Do i have to change my birth cert to the last name change or can i just keep it as maiden once i change?
  • I have a daughter who just graduated high school and is going to be 18 in 3 weeks. I am moving out of state be for then. Is there any way for her to get her own apartment. She is also a full time college student and a part time worker. she makes enough to pay rent with no worry what so ever.
  • I am a 28 year old disabled man with a service dog and I live with 3 roommates whom I do not get along with. One of them (my ex) has threatened to kick me to the streets even though I have done nothing to warrant this. Can my roommates kick me out if I am on the lease? I pay my fair share of the rent, I have not done anything illegal, I have not done anything against my roommates to warrant being kicked out, and I have not broken any of the rules to be a tenant at the apartment complex I currently live in. What are my legal rights?
  • I was late on payments on my car so the tow company came and took my car. Now there are telling me that I have to pay for my personal belongings in the car can they do that.
  • Two weeks ago I had a discussion with my landlord and his wife about being two weeks late on my rent and would need to pay it on the 14th of November. They were kind and said that would be fine and to come in around rent time to fill out a promissory note. During that time and now his (the landlord's) wife left him because he was very abusive. Now Sunday Nov 2nd I went in to fill out the contract to pay on the 14th and the landlord said he was evicting anyone who had anything to do with her. What can I do I am a single dad with no family in AZ.
  • Is it legal for insurance companies to raise rates based on age?
  • How would I locate a will that was made in 1992 for my father that he and two witnesses signed as well as signed and stamped by a notary public there was also one made for my mother identical to his I able to find the original for my mother but only am able to find a copy of my fathers. I need to know if there's any way to locate his since they were both made at the same time. Both of my parents have passed away I only had a copy and was told I would need the ordinal copy to claim it can anyone help? Need info ASAP .any info would be great and a big help.
  • How can I avoid being solicited by telemarketers and marketing mail?
  • does the parent paying for the insuranse for the child have to pay what ever the insurance does not cover




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program