questions & answers
Question: My wife and I are presently fight for cusody of our 7yr old. She lives in Fort Mohave, AZ and I live in Phoenix. Since we have not come to an agreement on the cusody matter, she has been not allowing me to speak or bring my son to Phoenix for a long weekend. What rights do I have? We are still waiting on a court hearing in front of a judge in Mohave County. Note: She is not living with the child, her parents are taking care of him.
Answer: First, I would suggest you speak with an attorney who specializes in family law. Second, in 2010, Arizona updated its law regarding parenting rights. Arizona feels it is in the child's best interest to have substantial/meaningful contact with both parents, unless there is evidence of substance abuse or domestic violence. Ultimately, the judge will decide the parenting time, unless you can come up with an "agreement" outside of court. You may want to contact a private mediator or ask the court if they offer this as a free service. Either way, your best option is to contact an attorney and they can better guide you through the process.
My wife and I are presently fight for cusody of our 7yr old. She lives in Fort Mohave, AZ and I live in Phoenix. Since we have not come to an agreement on the cusody matter, she has been not allowing me to speak or bring my son to Phoenix for a long weekend. What rights do I have? We are still waiting on a court hearing in front of a judge in Mohave County. Note: She is not living with the child, her parents are taking care of him.
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