Arizona Center for Disability Law-Phoenix Profile
ACDL is a not-for-profit public interest law firm dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals with a wide range of physical, mental, psychiatric, sensory and cognitive disablilities.
Address5025 E Washington St
Ste 202
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Phone: (602) 274-6287
Toll Free: (800) 927-2260
Fax: (602) 274-6779
My Biological Sister committed suicide in Charlotte, NC and left behind a 2yr old. The father of the 2 yr old is exsisting located in Kenosha, WI as well as I in Racine, WI but he is not fit to take care of my 2 yr old niece. Being that my sister and niece both resided in NC for over 6 months I cannot petition for custody here so How do I gain custody for my niece in which I have rights to do so in charlotte, NC. I have already did a Self Serve petition but I dont know where to go from here. Please help before its too late.
What can I do if I feel my 9 year old is not being properly cared for in the other parent's home that I currently share joint custody with? For example, most recently the other parent left our child at a nearby apartment complex pool with another 9 year old completely alone and unsupervised or accompanied by any other adult (the kids were the only ones there) for over an hour while the other parent allegedly walked to a gas station to purchase alcohol. My child also complains that the other parent is using drugs in front of him. Is this considered neglect and what are my options?
I assigned a 30 day reservation to rent a unit from a person who later was discovered is not the owner or the tenant on the lease. When I contacted the owner and the management the 30 day reservation is against the rules of the facility. We also received made up fines from the person lying that they were generated from the homeowners association when I spoke to the homeowners association there was no such fine ever levied how much is the satiation call the police and has a police report from this particular person being fraudulent. Where do we go for help to get our deposit back. Is this person even our landlord
If I can't get a hold of my tenant in regards to late rent am I allowed to call her work number in an attempt to collect late rent?
I am currently active duty 19 years. Divorced 2 years ago. Spouse is eligible for a share of my retirement. However the decree states I must begin to pay her share of my retirement beginning the month I am eligible to retire. It was based of a % share. No lawyer or my military office can give me how much that share is in dollars they tell me they will know when I retire. How can I pay her monthly when no one knows the amount until I retire? Is it even Legal that I have to pay her retirement if I haven’t retired? Did I not get good representation?
Is a single unit in a large condominium complex treated the same as a single family residence under the AZ anti-deficiency statutes?
I was charged with 13-3405A1/possession, and 13-3415A/paraphernalia. I moved to AZ a couple months ago, and have a valid Medical Marijuana card from CA. What am I looking at, as far penalties? Would it help my case to immediately get my AZ Medical Marijuana card?
What are the type of maintenance that a property manager should provide?
A friend and myself got into an argument which led to the police called out. he says that he will press charges of assult. He said that I hit him. How long does he have to press charges on incident he reported? Can he have me arrested for something that happened a few days ago.?
My child's mother did not put me on the birth certificate. I have had a hostile relationship with her and was forced to give 100% of my paycheck just to see my daughter the first 3 years, leaving me with no room to pay legal fees to establish paternity and support. She also has not filed for support. I have not been in contact with the mother in 3 years nor has she been in contact with me. At this point, I would like to sever my parental rights even though I am not legally established as the father so I can move on with my life. Is this possible?
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State Bar of Arizona -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Community Services of Arizona, Inc.
View full description - Arizona Center for Disability Law-Phoenix
View full description - Step Up to Justice
View full description - Defenders of Children
View full description - Gila County Housing Dept.
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