Child Support
questions & answers
Question: I recently had to go to court over child support/arrears. I was ordered to pay more than i can afford and I'm a 100% disabled medical veteran who only receives that money alone. The court told me that I would have to send in the money and they would not be able to take it from me. I have only 3 months left until my child turns 18 and the child support turns into only arrears. I am willing to pay something, but i cannot afford what they told me to. I need all the information for my state laws that can either help me in the best possible solution. i have read where some never pay after disability.
Answer: If you would like to change the amount of current child support payments you owe, you may file a petition to modify your child support at the court. (
Child support arrears may be modified only under certain circumstances. Please consult an attorney for legal advice. To see if you qualify for a free or reduced fee consultation with an attorney, please call our Legal Learn line at 866-637-5341.
Please go to the following websites for information regarding child support in Arizona:
I recently had to go to court over child support/arrears. I was ordered to pay more than i can afford and I'm a 100% disabled medical veteran who only receives that money alone. The court told me that I would have to send in the money and they would not be able to take it from me. I have only 3 months left until my child turns 18 and the child support turns into only arrears. I am willing to pay something, but i cannot afford what they told me to. I need all the information for my state laws that can either help me in the best possible solution. i have read where some never pay after disability.
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State Bar of Arizona -
Maricopa County Bar
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Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- DNA - People's Legal Services, Inc., Flagstaff
View full description - Quilt Modest Means Program
View full description - DNA - People's Legal Services - Hopi Legal Services
View full description - Arizona Community Action Association
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