Birth Certificate
questions & answers
Question: My step daughter has already lost four of her children to children and youth when she gives birth they are stepping in and taking custody of the new baby. Will she be allowed to name the baby or not
Answer: Generally, a mother giving birth in a hospital in Arizona should be allowed to fill out the birth certificate and name the child (as the presumed parent of the child). However, if the mother refuses to fill out the birth certificate, or is unable to fill out the birth certificate, that duty will fall upon an officer of the hospital. See A.R.S. § 36-333(B). Depending on the circumstances surrounding the birth, the mother may not get the chance to name the child. If the mother is not the person that completes the birth certificate, some other person may complete the birth certificate and name the child. See A.R.S. § 36-334(A). Consult an attorney for fact-specific advice.
My step daughter has already lost four of her children to children and youth when she gives birth they are stepping in and taking custody of the new baby. Will she be allowed to name the baby or not
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