questions & answers
Question: I have 5 days to leave. I was given a 5 day notice of non rental payment on 7/1/2015 and minutes later she returned with an acceptance of partial payment where our agreed schedule of rent is divided into 4 with 1st payment due 7/10/2015 I was on time that week but after for the 17th I was late in which my mom helped me with and landlord accepted assuring I'd get to stay as long as all was paid by the first that was 3 days ago. Today was court I was told wouldn't have to go I had an accident a week ago broke collar bone & arm &4 mos pregnant. Do I have to go and what about my moms money?
Answer: Sounds like there is a court order to get out, although you didn't mention that. You should always go to court if you get a notice, despite what anyone (especially the person suing you!) tells you. I'd suggest you go to court and see if there is a court order to move out. If there is, you need to move. If not, you should go to court when you get a notice of a court hearing. Your Mom's money is gone and it sounds like you also broke the verbal deal with the landlord. THis makes it even more likely you will lose in court if you do go. It's always better to move out on your own rather than have the sheriff come and lock you out because then you will have control over your property rather than possibly losing it after being locked out. Unfortunately the law doesn't change if you are hurt or pregnant. If you don't pay the rent as agreed, you can be evicted by a court order. Good luck!
I have 5 days to leave. I was given a 5 day notice of non rental payment on 7/1/2015 and minutes later she returned with an acceptance of partial payment where our agreed schedule of rent is divided into 4 with 1st payment due 7/10/2015 I was on time that week but after for the 17th I was late in which my mom helped me with and landlord accepted assuring I'd get to stay as long as all was paid by the first that was 3 days ago. Today was court I was told wouldn't have to go I had an accident a week ago broke collar bone & arm &4 mos pregnant. Do I have to go and what about my moms money?
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