Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
questions & answers
Question: I moved into my apartment two months ago and realized that the front windo was broken upon moving in. They had someone look at it and get an estimate and turns out the window needs to be replaced. How long do they have to fix it? It’s been over a month already.
Answer: The Arizona Landlord/Tenant Act has specific provisions about the landlord's duty of repair and the steps the tenant must take to trigger those obligations. First, you must document the need for repair in writing, informing the landlord of what has happened up to this point also include (Arizona Revised Statute, Section 33-1361) a statement that the landlord has 10 days to remedy the breach or the lease will terminate. Next, you must serve the landlord with the dated and signed letter. A.R.S. 33-1313 requires that you give the landlord notice either by hand-delivery of the letter or by certified mail, return receipt requested. If you use hand-delivery, document who you delivered to and when. The statute provides you as the tenant with options.
I moved into my apartment two months ago and realized that the front windo was broken upon moving in. They had someone look at it and get an estimate and turns out the window needs to be replaced. How long do they have to fix it? It’s been over a month already.
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