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Question: we sold a timeshare (Sedona) about 2 yrs. ago, now we find the company we sold it to was a fraud. now a different company claims they are now owners and want papers filled out,we paid the first company $3,988,00 to get rid of the timeshare, it was needed by a child who had some kind of trust. We were told the FBI was looking into it, never head anymore until we have to fill these papers. Please help us we don't have money for an atty. Thank you
You appear to have a possible resolution to the larger issue of this timeshare/real property transaction. The sole issue remaining, legal “paperwork” you are asked to sign, is difficult to answer without detailed evaluation of these documents. Legal assistance really is advisable in this case. If you are not eligible for free legal assistance, very low cost (retainer) attorney assistance is available in Arizona and nationwide. These groups often entitle clients to certain legal services without charge.
we sold a timeshare (Sedona) about 2 yrs. ago, now we find the company we sold it to was a fraud. now a different company claims they are now owners and want papers filled out,we paid the first company $3,988,00 to get rid of the timeshare, it was needed by a child who had some kind of trust. We were told the FBI was looking into it, never head anymore until we have to fill these papers. Please help us we don't have money for an atty. Thank you
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State Bar of Arizona -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Arizona Coalition to End Homelessness
View full description - Catholic Charities - Coconino, Apache, Navajo Counties
View full description - Scottsdale Granite Reef Senior Center
View full description - Volunteer Lawyers Program - Maricopa County
View full description - American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona
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