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Question: I am wondering if I am allowed to keep a gun in my house, in a locked, coded, safe with backup keys while living with my husband who is a felon. I have my gun rights but he does not. What happens if he gets in trouble, can he get a prohibited possessor charge even though the gun isn't his and he technically doesn't have access to it?
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Question: How do I get help taking felonies off my back ground someone else did by using my name?
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Question: What does CC refer to in my case number????
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Question: I need to file a motion to compel disclosure from the Pima county sheriffs dept. they are refusing to provide me with records that are public, regarding my own case, and held at the dept. I think this has to be a special action motion. If the case was in Superior Court, never appealed, where do I file the Special Action, can I use the civil courts to do this ? I am seeking damages based on public records law, does that limit me to superior court only?
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Question: I have a court date tomorrow but need to get my charges switched from regular court to veterans court. How do I do thqt
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Question: My girlfriend is a veteran and is in jail for DUI and has been sentence the public defender mentioned veteran court can this charge of DUI be reviewed by taking it through veteran court so she can get treatment looking at her sixth DUI can we go back and go through veterans court
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Question: How do I find out if there is a Veterans Court in Pima Co and how do I apply for it?
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Question: How do you request veterans court
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Question: I am in veterans court and I had to enter a guilty plea to stay in the program, who gets to see my guilty plea?
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Question: What can i expect for probationary requirements while attending veterans treatment court
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Question: The father of my baby whom I've beenwbeen withfwith forofor overaover a yeargyeargave me a phone when ImI movedimoved in with him. He stole it from me while II was asleep a couple days ago.. He will not give it back . Is this against the law
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Question: I'm being harharassed by police. They are retaliating after Icomplained they are also doingvoyeurismdoingvoyeurism canIhelp me?
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Question: In regards to ars 41-1758.07 What is the difference between section b 42 and section c 66? B42 within 5 years- so anything older than five years is ok....... C66 more than 5 years- so anything before is ok????? Very confusing. I'm trying to apply for a level 1 fingerprint card and have convictions but all were set aside
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Question: I was on parole for 10 years and the first of Nov was my10year end but I didnt report for my last visit I have no new charges can they arrest me for a violation?
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Question: Is it considered theft if i was filling the balloons at meijer that i 100% intended payfor if it says that an employee must do it
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Question: A friend spent 12 years in prison for gang related, armed Robbery charges when he was 16. He was released, had some marijuana possession charges and an assault charge over the years. Recently, he was arrested for 2nd degree murder. What type of sentence is he looking at considering his past?
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Question: My ex girlfriend stole one of my most value clothes. I want her to give them back or pay me for it. 5 brand new Luxury Perry Ellis leather jackets. 16 brand new Luxury Perry Ellis dress shirts. Price is around $5,839.84 to $ 6,039.84 not taxes included. On 08/04/2013 she broke and deformed my nose, (I got pics). On 05/22/2012 she stubbed a fork 4 times on the left side of my upper back, (I got pics). She forced me to quit my job at the laser company. She told me she knew about business and she will make my own laser company. "She didn't don't anything about it and I was having problems with my life. On 08/16/2013 the owner of the laser company that I was working with, texted me offering me my job back and she texted him behind my back telling him I wasn't available and thanks for thinking of me. I realized that the next day. On 03/12/2016 I told her to don't get the molding parts for her car at Honda dealer under my company's name Marco Motors. I told her I wasn't giving the authorization to buy it and she didn't care, "She bought it". I called the dealer to confirm. And much more like for example hit me many times my private part when I was driving, etc.
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Question: Can some one file criminal complaint on you wen they gave you there bank account information to tranfer money and pay some of there bills and said if you ever need to borrow money go rite ahead and when you do they tell yoi they are fileling criminal charges can they do that
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Question: I accepted a plea agreement for a diversion program in which i needed to complete a specified ammount of classes and then my charge would be dropped... About half way through, i was arrested on a different matter and spent a week in jail before the charges were dropped... I was released on the new charges but now i have a warrant for not completing the terms of the program... Im really worried about wether or not they will let me go back to doing the classes or if ill have to go to prison... Anysuggestions?? Also I am a veteran.. Is there anywhere i can get free legal advice or a lawyer..
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Question: I am a past sex offender. Not proud of it, but trying to keep my nose clean. I am home less and lost mt paper from the last registration, so i dont know when me renewal date is. I have been busy with the death of my daughter who passed away recently. Also I have been looking to going to school so Im not a burden on Social Security...I want to keep in compliance. Thank you.
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Question: My father was arrested for stealing a swamp cooler turns out it didn't even work my question is Bond was set at $50,000 is that legal he's never been arrested in his life no criminal history he lied to the police officer about the swamp cooler he's being charged with a felony why would bond be set so high he's not a Flight Risk he owns his own house in that town
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Question: Iattempted suicideby bringing a propane tank into my home, letting it run gas, then igniting it. I was badly burned, arrested for arson of an occupied structure (me), a class 2 felony. I was held 4 days and released because no charges were filed. Are charges likely to be filed? Am I likely to go to prison? I have no priors. I plan to seek psychiatric help and counseling as I feel it is needed. Would or could that help my cause if I am charged and arrested? Thank you.
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Question: I wanted to know if my ex girlfriend can be arrested for making a her house key fit both my deadbolt lock and doorknob lock. After she had moved out over a year ago ? And even when she lived here she was never given a key to my house by me or my parents. Thank you
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Question: I was at work and there were two people in my home without my consent and one of them had a warrant, and the other person answered the door and allowed cops to come inside without a warrant and found guy with warrant in my bedroom. They then said they found drug paraphernalia in plain view. They arrested me later in the week and charged me with paraphernalia. What rights did cops have and what should I do? I donot plan to plead guilty for this charge. Please help.
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Question: I have been obscounding from probation and want to turnmyself into the judge, what is the procedure to dothis?
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Question: My husband suffers from ptsd tai and other mental and physical disabilities on 6/27/2016 he had a black out and assaulted me and rain out of the house with a gun the police have him in pima county and refuse to let me send him his med i need help figuring this out his bail is at 100000 and now dos is trying to remove the kids from my home I have several character witness to vouch for my family this was an isolated incident and my family needs help
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Question: I have a superior court mailing that states your civil right have been restored. Does this mean I can vote,purchase weapon etc.?
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Question: my son was sentenced to 6 years for his second DUI . When the Judge sentenced him she read off someone else priors who has the same name as him different D.O.B . He has been in the State prison Since March 3, 2016. What can be done or how can we get this cleared up. His atterny did nothing about it and when I contacted him he told me the he was no longer his representative. I did stand up in court to say something but was advised to have a seat or leave.
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Question: A couple of years ago I left my two small children in the care of my brother while I worked 2 jobs to support us. There was then an incident while I was at work and long story short I got charged with class 1 misdemeanor Contributing to the dependency and delinquency of a minor. I completed the year probation and the parenting classes. This was the first and only time I had ever been into trouble. I'm in school and I need to get a fingerprint card for Nursing. How can I, and am I able to get this charge cleared from my record. I'm just a single mom who's trying to better my children's lives.
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Question: I was charged with a DUI and the judge dismissed it without prejudice, why can the arresting officer refile the same charge?
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Question: If I'm being charged with possession of dangerous drugs for sale, transportation of dangerous drugs for sale, misconduct involving weapons, possession of illegally altered firearm. Being this is my first offense is there any way around a mandatory minimum prison sentence, and into a treatment instead? I don't feel that 5years flat at the very least would do me any good as opposed to a treatment program.
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Question: After enduring years of abuse broken neck, stabbing, multiple other injuries my husband inflicted on my body now paralysi . He's called Chandler police filed false reports I'm always charged w/no evidence he broke my neck son called 911 i was put in jail when I didn't do anything. past 2 years Chandler PD & Marok charged me w/29 false allegations He cleared out all my accounts. So self rep family ct.Hiding behind false haress. inj.HE MADE $5MILL$ IN STOCKS 201 keep me away financial info. ***JUST NOTIFIED I'VE BEEN INDICTED FOR ARSON DANGEROUS FELONY IN FEDERAL. t COURT ON FRIDAY APRIL 22ND
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Question: When arrested for hindering or interfering ,the officer failed to read me my Miranda rights.Are these grounds for a dismissal?
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Question: I was charged with drug paraphernalia methamphetamine and pi then sentenced to a year unsupervised probation now 2 months later they indicted me on possession of methamphetamine on the same charge ... Can they do this? How did they do this?
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Question: Can a 79 year old man with health issues be released after pleading guilty to 2 felony molestation charges
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Question: Please tell me if weekends and holidays count in the 48 hours mandatory release if no complaint is filed.
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Question: A person came into my office for a meeting and I stated "I do not consent to being recorded" prior to our conversation. He recorded the conversation. I understand the one-person consent laws for recording but I expressly revoked consent. Do I have a case to take to court?
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Question: My dad has a violation warrant and has to appear in court on new charges, will the courts take me into custody?
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Question: I'm on 2 yrs unsupervised probation. When can I apply for early release? What's the procedure. Superior court, Maricopa county. Po isn't helping.
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Question: i was not arrested but have to go to court for a first time shop lifting in Pinal county. I have no job or money what is going to happen?
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Question: I am a Veteran and need legal assistance to resolve a DUI citation. How do I find a list of attorneys who work with the Veterans Court program?
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Question: I need an attorney I have court this month called my public defender multiple timetimes and got no answer. I feel my rights were violated I was handcuffed and thrown in police car and wasn't even in seat on floor couldn't move and transported to station this way
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Question: Greetings, Of late, I had been forced to usher out of my home, "At Gun Point", a person who had been a Temp guest in my home, and Yet, said Temp Guest had made a verbal threat of shooting me in my chest, All while the temp guest had been told to leave my home, several times, and then the temp guest had conveyed his verbal threat, accompanied by his having his hand on his S&W Model 60, .357 Magnum Caliber Revolver Pistol, as the temp guest had conveyed his threat of bodily harm toward/of me, at which point I had Locked and Loaded my 1911, .45 Caliber Semi-Auto Pistol, and demanded he leave.
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Question: My boyfriend had a FTA warrant issued for his arrest for a charge of unlaw flight from law enf VEH and was in a motocycle accident this morning, critical. I have been trying all day to find out which location to check on health status. Im being told that he isnt listed due to being in custody. Im a wreck worrying if he made it or not, how can I get that information. and can he be bailed out if still at hospital?
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Question: Is there any method for transferring a case from one jurisdiction to another with a veterans court? I had a DUI in the west mesa district court, and need any options to use the benefits and treatment options within the VA court system.
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Question: I was arrested and charged for dangerous drug and drug paraphanella possesion and sentenced to 5 yrs unsupervised probation 12 weeks drug classes and tasc i never did any of those i have a warrant for failure to appear is this considered a felony warrant
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Question: My daughter"s debit card was stolen, I know who took it, she has not turned him in. Can I turn him in ?
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Question: How long do I have after the police ask me to form a statement do I have to find a lawyer?
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Question: My mom told me I was an authorized user on her cc i use it and I pay it. She passed away. And I continued to use it and pay it . I never gave it a thought until one time I went to pay it and they won't take the payment. Now I have a letter telling me the whole amount is due and it came from the fraud department!! Am I in trouble?
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Question: What do you get for possession of marijuana
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Question: My son was killed by Tucson Police on 4/17/2014 and was not notified. Found out online. I went to retrieve his property and was told I had to wait because case was under investigation and they would let me know when I could retrieve his vehicle. My mom (son grandma) received a letter saying that nobody has come to claim property and in order to retrieve it we have to pay storage. Why do we have to pay anything. They held it for investigation and now want to charge us for it on top of killing my son. What can I do?
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Question: the sheriff gave me a ticket 13-1201.a violation he did not take me to jail .the sheriff just told me to show up in court date i just want to know what this means
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Question: What are the guidelines and rules for using confidential informants for drug operations in yavapai county as:-)
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Question: My friend was issued a trespass ticket for being at a light rail station without a bus pass/ticket. The train was nowhere near the station & he had ample time to buy a ticket before the train arrived. Is this legal?
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Question: I just got off tasc my case was dismissed with prejudice can i get my gun back from dps?
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Question: A friend of mine took a old used ac unit and scrapped it he and another employee noticed it in the trash for about 2 to three weeks afterthis occurred the company was reimbursed full value and he was charged with theft is this doable
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Question: My daughter is 25 years old and on supervised probation and living in my home. If she brings drugs into my house without my knowledge and the probation officer searches her/her room, can I be charged with something or can I lose my house?
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Question: does Arizona have a three strikes law.
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Question: does Arizona have a three strikes law.
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Question: warrants for my arrest for unpaid traffic tickets through downtown justice and city of phoenix are preventing me from getting employment. I have already paid $1000's of dollars and been to jail three times for these same tickets. its a mess and i just finished my paralegal degree.
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  • State Bar of Arizona
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    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program