Domestic Violence Article
Maricopa County Domestic Violence Resources
How to Get Help In Maricopa County If You Are A Victim of Domestic Violence Or The Person Committing Domestic Violence
By the Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County
If you are a victim or believe you may be a victim of domestic violence, or if you are the person committing or believe you may commit domestic violence, there is help available. There are many ways you can help yourself and many people available to help you. Read on to learn more about the things you can do to help yourself and to find out about the people who may be able to help you.
How You Can Help Yourself
- Call 911
- Call immediately if you believe that you are in danger of being physically hurt. Do not wait until you have been hurt.
- File an order of protection or injunction against harassment
- To order the person who is hurting you to stay away from you and so the police can arrest that person if he or she violated the order. However, an Order of Protection is for preventing domestic violence. It is not for child custody orders or preventing access or visitation to a child unless harm may result to the child or the acts of domestic violence involved the child.
- Leave the scene. No matter who you are, or where you are, or what the other person is doing. Leave. Go somewhere safe and peaceful to calm down and to protect you from being a victim of domestic violence, or from committing an act of domestic violence.
- Talk to a counselor. This person can help you with your own safety plan so you and your children feel that you can leave the person who is hurting you; or the counselor can help you if you are the person committing the domestic violence. Find out why you are hurting the other person and help you stop.
- Tell a friend about your problem to get support and help.
- Get help from the community. There are many places in the community that can help you.
People and Agencies Who Can Help You
Emergency Medical Services
Emergency rooms at hospitals or the fire department paramedics can help you with immediate physical injuries of domestic violence.
Call 911 now if you need emergency medical help from the fire department.
Police and Victim Services
The police help with domestic violence on the scene. Some police departments also offer "civil stand-by" that is when an officer goes with you to your home to help you get property owned by you or your children. A "civil stand-by" cannot be used to divide shared or community property. Call 911 now if you need emergency help from the police to protect you from domestic violence. Here are other services available to help a victim of domestic violence:
Glendale Victim Assistance - 623-930-3030
Maricopa County Attorney Victim Witness - 602-506-8522
Mesa Police Department Victim Assistance Program - 480-644-4075
(After Hrs:480-644-2211)
Peoria City Attorney Victim Assistance - 623-773-7414
Phoenix City Prosecutor Victim Witness Program - 602-261-8192
Scottsdale City Prosecutor Victim Witness Program - 480-312-4226
Tempe Crisis Intervention Team - 480-350-8032
Victim Compensation Bureau - 602-506-4955
Victim Rights and Witness Assistance Program - 602-542-4911
Emergency Shelters
Shelters are places where you, and in most cases your children, can go if you decide to leave and get away from the person who is hurting you. It is a safe harbor. The addresses of the shelters are kept secret so that the person who is hurting you cannot find you. In the shelters, you will have a safe place to stay, food, and often counseling, to help you and your children. Many shelters also have support groups and counseling services. However, the purpose of the shelters is to help prevent domestic violence. The shelters are not meant to stop access or visitation to a child unless harm may result to the child or the acts of domestic violence involved the child. The telephone numbers to the shelters in the Valley area include:
Autumn House (Mesa) - 480-835-5555
Boys Town National Hotline - 1-800-448-3000 or 1-800-448-1833/TTY
Cassie's House (602)936-7446
Catholic Social Services - 602-997-6105
Child Crisis Center (Children) (East Valley) - 480-969-2308 (children only, most placements by CPS)
Chrysalis (North Phoenix) - 602-944-4999
Chrysalis (Scottsdale) - 480-481-0402 Shelter and 24-hour Hotline
Crisis Nursery (Children)/Shelter - 602-273-7363/7364 (children only)
DeColores (North Phoenix) - 602-269-1515
DOVES - Glendale (Domestic Older Victims Empower & Safety) - 602-264-4357 or 1-888-264-2258
Faith House (Glendale) - 623-939-6798
My Sister's Place/Pathways (East Valley only) - 480-821-1024 (24 Hours)
New Life Shelter (Goodyear) - 623-932-4404
New Life Shelter (Litchfield Park) - 623-935-9161
Salvation Army's Elim House - 602-267-4111 or 1-888-267-0197
Sojourner (Central Phoenix) - 602-244-0089
West Valley Child Crisis Center (Children) - 623-848-8863
Crisis Intervention, Information, Counseling, and/or Hotlines
These services can help you by giving you counseling and other information:
Arizona Child Abuse or Neglect Hotline - 1-888-767-2445
Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence - 602-279-2900 or 1-800-782-6400
Autumn House (Crisis Hotline) - 480-835-5555
AZ Child Protective Services (CPS) Child Abuse Hotline - 602-530-1800
AZ Adult Protective Services (APS) - 602-255-0996
Boys Town National Hotline - 1-800-448-3000 or 1-800-448-1833/TTY
Case (Sexual Assault) - (602)254-6400
Center Against Family Violence - 480-644-4075
Center Against Sexual Assault - 602-254-9000 (24 hours)
Centro de Amistad, Inc. - 480-839-2926
Child Help USA Child Abuse Hotline (National) - 1-800-422-4453
Child Crisis Center - Phoenix East Valley - 480-969-2308
CONTACS Shelter Hotline - 602-263-8900 or 1-800-799-7739 (24 hours)
Chrysalis (Scottsdale) - 480-481-0402
Community Information and Referral(24 hours) - 602-263-8856 or 1-800-352-3792
Crisis Nursery - 602-273-7363
DeColores (Phoenix) - 602-269-1515
Dignity House (Prostituted Women) - 602-997-6105
Domestic Violence - 1-800-799-7739 (24-hour)
DV Legal Advocacy Program c/o Autumn House - (480)461-4204
Faith House (Glendale) - 623-939-6798
Family Life Line Crisis Hotline (National) - 1-800-352-0528
Family Service Agency - 602-264-9891
Governor's Division for Prevention of Family Violence - 602-542-1773
Hopi Guidance Center - (928)737-2586
House of Refuge-East - 480-988-9242 (transitional housing for families in general)
Impact - Westside Social Services - 623-934-1991
Jewish Family and Children's Services (Phoenix) - 602-256-0528
My Sisters Place (Chandler) Crisis Hotline - 480-821-1024
National Domestic Violence Hotline - 1-800-799-SAFE(7233) or 1-800-787-7224TTY
Parent Support Center - (602)506-6339
Phoenix Indian Center - 602-263-1017 ext-67
Salvation Army (Family Service, Food, Clothing) - 602-267-4100
Save the Family - 480-898-0228
Shelter Without Walls (JFCS) - 480-994-8477
Sojourner Center (Phoenix) Crisis Hotline - 602-244-0089
Sundance Lodge (602)870-0376
Tumbleweed (Services for Teenagers) - 602-841-5799
Value Options Crisis Hotline - 602-222-9444
Counseling Services
These services can help you and/or the person who is hurting you deal with the emotional and mental problems that often come with domestic violence.
Counseling services for the victim:
Autumn House (Mesa) - 480-835-5555
Centro de Amistad Incorporado - 480-839-2926
Chrysalis (North Phoenix) - 602-944-4999
Dorothy B. Mitchell Counseling Center - 480-969-6955 (children only)
My Sisters Place (Chandler) - 480-821-1024 (24 Hour)
Salvation Army - 602-267-4100
Counseling services for the abusive person:
Family Service Agency - 602-264-9891
Impact - Westside Social Services (VORD) -
Scottsdale Justice Services - 480-949-8871
Organization for Non-Violence Education (ONE) - 623-934-0696 (anger management)
Value Options Crisis Hotline - 602-222-9444
Legal Services
These are places where you can obtain court forms and/or find out how to get legal assistance.
Community Information and Referral - 602-263-8856 or 1-800-352-3792
Community Legal Services Central Office - 602-258-3434
Community Legal Services East Valley Office - 480-833-1442
DV Legal Advocacy Program of Maricopa County - (602)247-0464
Maricopa County Lawyer Referral Service - 602-257-4434
Family Lawyers Assistance Project - 602-506-7948
The Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County - 602-506-SELF(7353) (24 hours)
self-help Telephone Services (recorded information only)
Maricopa County Superior Court Self Service Center:
Phoenix Location - I01 West Jefferson, First Floor
Mesa Location - 222 East Javelina, First Floor (Law Library)
Maricopa County Courts
Superior Court in Phoenix - 201 W. Jefferson
Superior Court in Mesa - 222 E. Javelina
Superior Court in Surprise - 14264 W. Tierra Buena Ln.
Clerk of the Court (Phoenix) - 602-506-3676
Clerk of the Court, Southeast Court Complex, Mesa - 480-506-3360
Conciliation Services (Phoenix) 602-506-3296
Family Support Center Expedited Services - 602-506-3762
Family Violence Prevention Center - 602-506-5553
Justice Court Administration - Phoenix - 602-506-1337
Municipal Courts - Phoenix - 602-262-7120 (Orders of Protection)
Maricopa County Justice Court/ Scottsdale - 480-443-6600
Other services that may help you.
Alanon (Families of Alcoholics) and Alateen Substance Abuse - 602-249-1257
Area Agency on Aging, Region One - 602-264-2255
Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence - 602-279-2900 or 800-782-6400
AZ Sexual Assault Network - 602-258-1195
Community Bridges, East Valley Addiction Recovery Ctr. - 480-962-7711
Empact-Suicide Prevention Center - (Tempe or Glendale)- 480-784-1514
Family Advocacy Center - 602-534-2120 or E. Valley at 480-312-6300
Guiding Star Lodge (Women's Alcohol/Drug Treatment Facility) - 602-254-5805
MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers - 602-279-2043
Salt River Pima/Maricopa Social Services - 480-850-8296
Salvation Army (6 month in-house rehab. center) - 602-256-4500
Southwest Behavioral Health (general mental health) - 602-268-8748 (Watkins Outpatient Clinic)Comments:
On 2/6/09
Nobody said
Hay its really cool that you guys help people good job!!!!!!!!
On 9/21/08
Ann said
It took me a while to get to the website, but I am sure glad I found it! It is extremely helpful!
my wife and i were both charged with domestic violence and both got 3 years probation. We are currently getting divorced and are wondering if at the termination of our probation can we get this charge expunged from our records?
Hello, my parents marriage is negatively is evolving drastically. A couple of days ago my stepdad pulled a gun on my mom in front of my younger brother. My younger brother explained this event to me and older sister. He also stated that he had to intervene between my parents. I am very worried for my mother, but I do not know where to start helping legally and fast.
My husband has been mentally and physically abusive for the past 7 years. In January he punched me repeatedly in front of our five year son and kick the door in when I kicked him out. My oldest has told me that that he to was hurt by my husband. I've now lost my home(being evicted) and Job because of this. My parents live in another state where I have more opportunities to live a better life with my kids. Can I move to another state and Handel my DV case and divorce?
I was arrested in 2013 for disorderly conduct per DV and was released the next day. I received a deferred prosecution for 6 months with no fine. The charges are now dismissed. Do I still have wait 5 years to expunge my record to work at a school? I was told by a co-worker who is a Lieutenant of the police department, that any DV charge has to be expunged before being able to work around children.
Can I leave the county with my daughter if I am trying to better my life by getting out of a violent marriage that I am divorcing from anyway?
My Brother is a 32 combat veteran of the 5th Special forces group. He was arrested yesterday for aggravated assault. He is heavily medicated due to injuries and may be a threat to his family. His wife called me yesterday asking me to help but I do not know what I can do. Can some one offer me some advice on what, as his brother, I can do?
I'm in a verbally and mentally abusive relationship and want to know. I have a friend that i have had for years that i would like to have over to my home and my husband won't allow me to have friends . If my friend comes to see me does she have to leave if my husband says so even though i want her here?
Can an order of protection be issued to a defendant out of state without an arrest being mad or charges being filed?
My daughter refuses to go to her moms, what happens if she doesnt go? She is being emotionally abused by her mom. Also, can i file for emergency custody if i can prove it?
I was granted a Protective order 2 days ago. I need a victim advocate to clarify the terms granted. OR ANYONE who clarify if I can remove my belongings legally. The police Said he could and he did. I have to move because he has all the money. Im trying to keep the residence, but its gonna be a battle. I have rights to reside here now til hearing on 25th of August.
Free & Reduced Fees Legal Aid Resources
Click Here to apply online, or call
- Please select your county of residence below.
State Bar of Arizona -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Pio Decimo Center
View full description - Arizona Center for Disability Law-Phoenix
View full description - Tohono O'odham Legal Services – Sells
View full description - William E. Morris Institute for Justice
View full description - Tobacco Control Alliance
View full description
Things You Should Know about Protective Orders
Domestic Violence Survivor's Guide
Apache County Resources for Domestic Violence
Cochise County Resources for Domestic Violence
Coconino County Resources for Domestic Violence
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Greenlee County Resources for Domestic Violence
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Mohave County Resources for Domestic Violence
Navajo County Resources for Domestic Violence
Pima County Resources for Domestic Violence
Pinal County Resources for Domestic Violence
Santa Cruz County Resources for Domestic Violence
Yavapai County Resources for Domestic Violence
Yuma County Resources for Domestic Violence
Tribal Resources for Domestic Violence
County Resources for Domestice Violence Victims
Where to Find an Attorney for Specific Legal Advice
Domestic Violence Resource Guide - DNA People's Legal Services
Protective Order Center - How to Obtain an Order of Protection from the Court