Community Legal Services - Mohave County Profile

Community Legal Services provides high quality civil legal services to applicants whose income is near poverty level.

2701 E Andy Devine, Suite 400
Kingman, AZ 86401
Phone: (928) 681-1177 TDD: (928) 681-7281
Toll Free: (800) 255-9031
Fax: (928) 681-5998


  • My landlord came to my house and served me a 24hr notice stating that there are an unusual amount of people coming to the premises at all hours of the night, that there are unauthorized people "living" in the home and he thinks there is use of marijuana on the premises. I have lived in this house for a year and haven't had any issues the house is a duplex and someone just moved in and we havent agreed on everything.So the landlord basically listened to what the neighbors said and served me with a notice of immediate termination! I am 8months pregnant I have people come over to assist me everyd
  • About 2 months ago, I trusted my car to someone I thought was a friend because they claimed to need transportation to their job. I have not seen my car since and this person broke off all communication. I have no idea where either this person or my car are. The police will not help because I gave this person the keys. They say it's a civil matter and to file a suit. How can a suit be filed if the whereabouts of the person are unknown. I need to know what my options are and want this person held accountable for stealing my car.
  • First time in 50 years I can not pay my utilites. I have never asked anybody for nothing. Im loosing my house I am disbled and in a wheel chair and on SSD. Can someone help me or guide me in the right direction.
  • I had a court date and I was actually in emergency room getting a mental health evaluation I faxed the proof to the judge and he still put a bench warrant out for my arrest and there was no bond set I have never been known to run or not show up to court so I'm not a threat of fleeing is this legal? if what can I do
  • Roommate's drunk cousin (eviction): I am listed on Rental Lease Agreement with a roommate. The roommate has a Guest (cousin) who is NOT on the lease staying in the living room for over a month. Roommate's Cousin helps her with expenses and rent at times. The roommate's cousin is an alcoholic, and gets drunk, becomes unruly, staggering, breaking things, etc. I would like to have the Guest Removed from the premises, evicted, when drunk particularly, or permanently. Can I have the police remove the drunk cousin of my roommate AGainst my Roommates discretion?
  • My tenant moved in her adult daughter with two minor children without my knowledge. When told I said she could stay as a guest for two months while she finds a place to live. This was 5 months ago. She will now not leave. I have now been told I cannot evict her because of the fair housing act although she was never on the lease and I have in no way discrimated against anyone on the lease. This makes 5 adults and 3 minors living in my 4 bedroom home. Can I evict them for breach of contract.
  • how do I get custody of my nephew ?? my brother is in jail and his mother gave him up and my brother wants me to get custody
  • Someone broke the front window of the house I am renting. I called the police and filed a report but the landlord says that she doesn't have to fix it because there haven't been any other windows in the neighborhood, so I must have been targeted. Shouldn't the landlord have to fix it?
  • what are the requirements for receiving cash assistance
  • My children relocated to New York three years ago because of mother's job. Since, mother has not complied with the parenting order, failing to send them back for father's parenting time on several occasions. The two children are currently with father for summer vacation. Both children told father of regularly being left alone overnight. The children are 6 and 8. They are scheduled according to the parenting time order to go back to New York at the end of August (less than 7 weeks). What can I do to keep them from returning to that environment?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program