Domestic Violence Article

Tribal Resources for Domestic Violence

Tribal Resources for Domestic Violence

Tribal Court Information and Resources

Apache - San Carlos

Mt. Graham Safe House - Safford (928)348-9104


San Carlos Tribal Social Services (General) 928-475-2313

Apache - Whiteriver

Apache Behavioral Health Services - Whiteriver (928)338-4811

Gila River Indian Community

Gila River Drug & Alcohol Abuse Center - Sacaton (602)258-7714

Gila River Tribal Social Services - Sacaton (520)562-3396

Navajo and Hopi

Ama Doo Alchini Bighan Inc., (ADABI) - Chinle

After 5pm and weekends call Chinle Indian Hospital

Emergency Room and ADABI on-call person (928)674-8314


Chinle Hospital


Hopi Guidance Center (Keams Canyon)(General) 928-737-2586

Tohdenasshai Women's Shelter - Kayenta (928)697-8591

Indian Health Services

Tuba City for Family Harmony (928)283-4650

Other Tribal Services

Indian Health Service (Tucson), San Xavier Health Service (520)295-2405

Yavapai/Apache Tribes - Camp Verde (928)567-3649



  • Husband keeps threatening me to throw me out of marital home. I have been a stay at home mom since the birth of our first son 12 years ago. I have no income or source of support if he forces me out. What can I do to protect myself and my children. He has been hostile to me in front of my boys, upsetting them. I just listen so that he will stop threatening me and upsetting them.
  • I am roommates with someone he has assaulted me I am going to get a restraing order,what I would like to know who has to move out of the home we share?
  • I went to my acoholic ex-husbands to check on him. He had given me a key. I entered his apartment after calling and leaving messages and knocking. After I entered the apartment I was attacked and beaten. The police came. I never hit him. I end up in the hospital for the night with facial trauma and lacerations to my had with broken glass in it still. The police said I could not file charges on him because I was in his residence. He tried to kill me. What can I do?? I have cut all connections with him and am not answering any of his call to me or his children. I am scared.
  • My family’s abuser (We’ve had an order of protection since October) has repeatedly contacted my father, threatening to call CPS on me. Tonight I saw him spying in a live stream video from my business instagram—it was not an account I knew, but definitely him. My bank account was also hacked into and I’m positive it was a move meant to send a message, as he used to control my finances and I thought this was the only card he never knew about. The court said call the police, the police say he’s allowed to do this. I’m scared and don’t know where to turn. Domestic advocacy places aren’t responding
  • My dad left when i was baby. He just came back into my life a year ago, my mom has custody of me. But this past year i have been emointally abused and have had a few situatons with being physically abused as well. This is causing my school work to drop, and i cant take living here anymore. I have tried to find a way to live with my dad until i graduate, but i would like to know if there is any legal way i can move out, so I can get my life together and finish school without any problems.
  • What haplens if you get pregnant with a person tgat you have a restraining order on while tge restraining order is still up
  • I am the petitioner of a protective order and the defendant has not been served yet. Our court date is next week. What is gonna happen? Will they dismiss it or continue it.
  • Me and my ex-spouse has joint custody, recently I move and have not reported to the court. Im scared to let him know my new residents due to the threats that I recieve by text and answering machine I decided to get a training order is there anything that I need to know addiction to this order?
  • I have had my brother in law and his wife here at my residence that I am renting for seven months. They were told repeated times to start paying a specific amount of money a month and ignored my requests. They chose not to sign a written agreement and still refuse to pay. They are not on the lease either. I want to know if I have grounds to give them a 5 or 30 day notice to vacate. And if I can mail it, as they are staying with someone else for a couple months, or if I have to hand it to them personally. Thank you




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program