Car Accidents Article
Will My Car Insurance Rates Go Up?
Under Arizona law, if you have not caused or significantly contributed to the cause of an accident, your car insurance rates or premiums cannot be raised. Specifically, A.R.S. § 20-263 provides: “ No insurer shall increase the motor vehicle insurance premium of an insured as a result of an accident not caused or significantly contributed to by the actions of the insured. Any insurer which increases the premium as a result of accident involvement shall notify the insured of the reason for such increase.”
This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or establish an attorney/client relationship.
Contributing Attorney: Sam Saks. Sam is the founder of Legal Aid of Arizona and a partner at the law firm of Guidant Law
I need some help to understand if I have a case to pursue legal action: I was in an accident 9/26/15: my car was hit by a truck. The driver of the truck was not the owner of the truck. It has been a struggle to navigate through the insurance(s). I did get my car fixed and owner of the truck's insurance paid for repairs, and my chiropractor bills are pending... my insurance paid for the $500 we paid out of pocket, and my rental car. The remaining item open is "diminished value" - they offered $250 for my 2008 Lexus ES350 (under 50K miles), but I need advice to settle or pursue legal action
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This question does not exactly have to do with car accidents,though the situation arose from one.I cannot find adivse on this anywhere-A chiropracter placed a medical lein when someone rear ended me.The insurance company should have paid,chiropracter cooresponded with them 2yrs later which was past the statute of limitations and I guess just dropped it.This was 2002.The lein now sits at the county recorder and cannot be revoked unless by the Dr. who no longer practices.This is now interfering with my house buying process.I have called everywhere and get nothing but brick walls.Please help
My 16 year old son was taken in a fatal car crash. My ex wife and I have been divorced for years and I had sole custody of my son. She is trying to claim the insurance from the wreck after I had filed my claim. What are the laws on this certain situation?
If I bring a letter from my insurance company stating all claims have been satisfied to the district attorney will this help reducing my fine
I was legally separated 12/7/2017 and the divorce was finalized 01/17/2019.During our separation I allowed my ex-wife to use my truck to drive our son around. She was in a car accident 06/2018 shes at fault (the truck had no insurance, we had a verbal agreement she would pay for it and she did But for afew months).Theres now a civil law suit against us for damages+. On this document its says I’m negligent or lending her my car. she says that legally I am at fault for everything because the truck is only under my name. she caused this car accidents but am I responsible since it’s my car?
I was in a auto accident(rear ended)insured resides in Az. His Insurance company is located in Ca. I want to take his insurance co. to a Small Claims Court in Az. How do I serve summons to the Insurance Co. since Insurance is located in CA. but it does business in Az.(out of venue)
I was suppose to receive 25,000$ when I turned 18. Well when I turned 18 and tried to see if the money was in my bank account they had told me it was all spent. How would the bank let my parents withdraw my money? I'm the one who sufferd from my car crash, is it against the law for the bank to let my parents withdraw all of that money? Because I never seen a dime.
Car accident where both parties are found at fault, me 30%, them 70%. They are NOW (6 months later) suing for 28 grand of injury present and future costs. Their insurance paid me very little but did pay 5 grand for my totaled truck worth about 15 grand. I only had liability and their lawyers letter states they are suing me personally since my insurance wont help cover anything. He had no injuries at all at the accident, walked around waiting for police, talking on his cell. He went to the doctor 2 days later according to his lawyer. Can I really be liable for 28 grand? Do I need lawyer?
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