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  • my landlord had provided me a 5 day notice. I went to the office and gave them a large portion of the rent and entered into a promise to pay. I paid off the promise to pay which included all the applicable late fees. My landlord then stated I must sign a promise to pay for an additional $500. I refused.I ask for an explanation and they refuse to tell me where the extra money is coming from. I filed an action in court for unlawful rent increase. Couple days after they were served with compliant, I come and had a "Notice to Terminate Agreement. Isn't this retaliatory action? Can they do this?
  • I rented a house from a realtor and was in the house for over a year and a half and gave her a month and a half notice when I would be moving out. I am a smoker and no where in my lease does it say anything about not smoking in the property, now she is saying it will come out of my deposit whatever it cost her to get rid of the smoke smell. Is this legal?
  • I bought a timeshare in Nevada, but due to my husbands remission of cancer and my multiple sclerosis, we can no longer make the payments. If they foreclose on the timeshare can they garnish my wages in Arizona
  • Can someone who is mentally unfit to make decisions for themselves marry someone? My sister with severe dimentia recently married a stranger.
  • Is it worth it to file small claims for deposit that has not been returned, with the landlord living in another state and to also have additional charges for not sending letter why deposit wasn't refunded and for entering residence without prior knowledge or permission? How do I start the process?
  • I own a trailer but rent the space from the mobile park home. the main water meter broke and they charge me for the water that was flooding the of the rest space. Which I sent the money into them. Now they sent the money back to me. They are refusing to take that payment for my rent because the yard where they dug up to fix the parks water meter and there's some weeds in the front yard are they able to refuse to take my rent?
  • I have been living in the residence of my 8 year old daughters father's home for the past 2.5 years. During our child custody proceeding I voluntarily decided to pay 700 for child support. When I moved back into the residence we verbally came to an agreement that instead of having the child support reduced, that would be my portion of the rent. I have decided to file motion for joint custody of my child and the father is threatening to evict me. Since there was no lease agreement drawn up an only a verbal agreement in regards to the child support paid as rent can I be evicted? Can I appeal?
  • My husband was deported to the UK after a conviction for domestic violence. He cannot return to the US. Our marriage is not legal there. Therefore he is not married. Do I have to get a divorce? And if so, how can I serve him when I don't know where he is?
  • Can a management company deny me to be added to the lease of my dad's appt. without doing a credit report on me. Can they deny me a written statement of the reasons why I was denied.
  • I left home with few belongings because of domestic abuse. I obtained an order of protection,which he has violated,been arrested for & released. Husband filed for divorce listing my separate things to be mine. No other divisions of property was mentioned. They are at the house, house in his name, he changed the locks, can I get them with police escort now or must I wait til the divorce is final? Who would contact him about my coming? I am not planning on responding to summons.He is saying that he will dispose of all things if I do not remove them right away as he wants them out of his house.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program