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  • I found out my ex boyfriend showed my 12 year old porn because he was afraid he was gay, can I press any charges against him for this
  • i was involved with a women that had our doghter . i never paid child supoort and never had a say so about the babby. The women passed away and the sisster got full custady. Do i have any right to take full custudy?
  • Tenant has been on property for four months on a month-to-month lease. I wish to terminate his lease by giving him a 30-day letter at the first of the month stating ....In accordance with your lease and applicable sections of Arizona Rental Law, this is your notification that your lease will terminate on 1 ___, 2015....." Must I give a reason other than month to month lease? Must tenant reside on property for more than a year before this termination is possible?? Thank you for your assistance
  • The father doesn’t pay for any expenses of our 1 year old. The baby is with me 24/7 he visits every once in a while for maybe an hour a week but doesn’t bring anything or try to help. I have been seeing into putting him on child support since I do not currently work and my parents (baby’s grandparents) are basically the ones paying for all the expenses but I looked into the “child support calculator” and only $50 a month comes up as what he would pay and I’m wondering if it’s even worth going through the trouble for such a low amount. Is that thing accurate or would I have to talk to a lawyer?
  • I just had a baby and an ex-boyfriend who is not the father of my baby is taking me for paternity test. Do I have to pay court fees every time someone wants to claim to be the father of my child. I was not even with him at the time and the father of my baby is on birth certificate and the baby has the fathers last name. Question is why do I have to pay court fees to respond, it's like anyone can petion to be the father and I have to pay court fees when I alresdy know who father is
  • I was involved in an accident last year where the at-fault driver was uninsured. After receiving care my health insurance was billed and no liens were put on my auto insurance. I have since settled with auto insurance, but this week I received a collection notice from an attorney saying I owe the provider an amount above the agreed upon rate from my health insurance. When talking to the provider they said AZ law allows them to collect the remaining balance from me with personal injury. Can they hold me liable for the balance above the rate my health insurance has after they have billed them?
  • we are currently listed as owner's to a mortgage but signed transfer of property- deed papers to an investor of whom we have been making monthly payments to. We have been informed by the mortgage that our payments have not been submitted and that we will soon be in foreclosure. What can we do? This investor promised to assume the mortage as well as the property but really only filed tranfer of property and continues to collect our money, of which has been steady each month.
  • My son's dad and I have joint legal and physical custody. The order has been in place since 2006 (my son was 5 years old at the time). He is now 14 and indicating that he wants to live with his dad. However, his dad doesn't have him the time allotted due to his work schedule. He's only able to take him to school two days per month. We live close to each other and to his school. The plan has worked well for the 10 1/2 years. I think he just doesn't like my rules. How will the courts look at this as far as allowing my son to decide.
  • I found out when I was in my twenties that the father on my birth certificate is not my biological father. How can I get that corrected?, The man on my birth cert is deceased.
  • I have sole legal custody of my 3 kids my ex has supervised visits, I am not allowed to move 100 miles from where I did when our divorce finalized without permission. Am I allowed to take my kids on vacation out of town or state, or do I have to get permission from the court?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program