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  • We just bought a home in Arizona. I am a 100% disabled veteran living in a hot box for the past 5 weeks.We had an inspection done before and everything was fine. We have been in the house for 5 weeks and have had a different air conditioning repair person here more than 5 times with a different reason each time. Now we have flooring from the kitchen, entry way, and laundry room that needs to be replaced because of water damage from the air conditioner. Do we have any recourse against the home inspector? I called her and she said she would refund the inspection fee, but it wasn't her responsibility for the repairs now. Every penny we have went to purchase this house and we bought a home warranty so we wouldn't have to worry about problems. The warranty company of course claiming pre-existing conditions for things, so we have to fight to get some of the costs covered with them. Is there any help for us?
  • Hello, My husband and I divorced after 46 years of marriage Jan 16,2014. We remained in the same home until I was hospitalized and then moved in with my daughter. My husband got our vehicles in the divorce. He has since passed away Jan of 2015. I found that the vehicles were never transferred from "or" status his name or my name. I am legally entitled to the vehicle. His son was named as the sole heir in his trust.
  • I live in the state of michigan. I have an 18 month old little boy and my ex boyfriend is trying to take custody of him from me. I have had my son for the last 14 months on my own and live with my boyfriend in michigan. I have court and cant go to arizona due to the fact I just had a new baby. I am trying to file a telephonic appearance form but have not been able to locate the forms I need to file. this is the only thing standing between custody of my son and me showing up.
  • I have forms to add my name to my Birth Certificate from 2002, but got sick and did not complete. Can I still use the forms and how much do I need to pay? I can not get through by phone, why is that?
  • My mother passed away about 3 years ago. When she did, my father gave my brother a verbal guardianship. They never had the papers filled out or anything, and now I have to fill out things like FAFSA and my college that I plan to attend requires proof of legal guardianship. My dad lives in a different state. Is there a way around this?
  • As a 67 yr. old retiree with an income of 11,645 yearly from S.S. and a small retirement pension, are these monies subject to credit card debt collection? Other than two older vehicles, I have no assets.
  • I am roommates with someone he has assaulted me I am going to get a restraing order,what I would like to know who has to move out of the home we share?
  • My ex relocated to AZ. I have never left CA. She is trying to get permission to modify our custody agreement in AZ, document says if one party lives in another state and never left AZ may not have power to change. Please inform me of where that rule is and how to cite it in a court document. Thank you
  • My apartment building outside lighting doesn’t turn on until way past sunset. I have submitter in writing using the managements website form asking for the lights to be turned on earlier due to it being a safety and security issue. I received a response 2 months later saying the request was complicated. However nothing was changed. This week I tripped in the dark and broke the screen on my cell phone. Can I get the repair costs paid for by the management company either by working with them or through small claims court?
  • I am going to be leasing my house out and I am in the process of preparing a lease agreement. Can I require the tenant to carry renters insurance in the terms of the lease agreement? If so, what are the restrictions on what I can require?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program