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  • I have recently filed for child support for my two kids, my oldest is two years old and my youngest is 2 months. I filed a restraining order almost a year ago. Now that I have filed for child support, will the other parent get any rights to be around my kids, even though I have a restraining order still in place since last year?
  • For the last 2 months, after a company bought the complex I'm living in, have endless cut down trees, no warning, all day every day other than the weekends. Because of that, rats have now started entering our apartments and taken up residence in our walls. It took them a month to come and repair holes where the rats were entering and the endless noise has made living here stressful. What is their rights as the owners of the complex and how much noise and inconvience they are causing everyone living here?
  • I have a 3 year old daughter. Her mother im not Married to was convicted of armed robbery & drug charges. Setenced 4 5 years in state prison. Was a violent crime. Question is do I have grounds to sever her Parentall rights? She left my daughter with a lady she did not know and unfit to care for her left her in dirty diaper and no spares while she was out committing the crime. She has been with me for the past 1.5 years. My Daughter has only seen her mom 5 times since Incarceration. My daughter has no recollection of her mother. She knows my wife of 15 years as her mother. Longer story
  • I paid a holding deposit and got a receipt for a particular apartment that apparently is now no longer going to be mine and I'm just curious if the landlord can legally keep my holding deposit when he is not giving you the unit that I put the holding deposit on?
  • My Son is the Father to a soon to be Baby Girl due 6/26/11. The Mother of the unborn child has become abusive and Son no longer wants to Marry her. She states that she is going to leave the state and put the child up for adoption if he doesn't Marry her. What are his rights?
  • If I use a firearm in self defense and it is found my the authorities to be justifiable within the state laws of Arizona, am I immune from civil prosecution by the offender and/or his relatives?
  • When and how to contact a fiduciary.
  • I call the cops on my boyfriend and I lied to them saying that my boyfriend hit me and he did not he is now in jail how do I correct this. It all started because he brought some female car to our house to do oil change. I started the argument and the fight I threw chair at him he blocked it where it came back and hit me in arm.
  • I was married to an ex marine for 10 years when I was 18. He was murdered shortly before we were divorced. Its been over 20 years but I was wondering am I still qualified for survivor's benefits or his pension?
  • Who do I call if I lost my atlas number ?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program