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  • If the state does not object to my application to vacate judgment of guilt and restore my civil rights and right to possess a firearm does this mean I have my rights back
  • My boyfriend and I are leasing a new house. We had paid a pro-rated amount of rent for the end of June. The swamp cooler in the house had a broken pump and a handyman repaired the cooler on July 2nd. Seeing as how the house was uninhabitable during that time, we would like to get our pro-rated rent money back. What are our rights in this situation and what is the responsibility of the landlord?
  • Is it legal for a mobile home park owner to charge rent on a mobile they don't own?
  • In 2005, I had double strokes which left me unable to walk, memory loss,or to feed myself. My youngester daughter always took care of me. During that time I lived by myself in my home. My only son volunteered to stay with me in my home and take care of me. He lied to me in Dec. '06 and made me sign over the title of my home. He no longer wanted to take care of me so he told my oldest daughter to take me for the weekend while he changed the locks to my home. My oldest daughter then took me to my grandaughter's home and left me there. Now I am living with my youngest daughter and want my home back. I was in no mental condition to know what was going on, I trusted my only son.
  • I have two boys ages 8 and 11 they are with me 50% of the time and my ex wife their mother the other 50 5 of the time. this was established in the divorce papers. Their mother has a new job theat requires her to work 12 hour night shifts. I have offered to take the boys duing these times and was denied by their mother. I have since requested the names and contact info of the individuals who will be watching them during these times and was denied this information by the mother as well. My question is- What are my rights and what can I do to insure that my boys are properly cared for?
  • Had a car pulled out in front of me and I hit him broadsided and totaled my motorcycle and have injuries. He was cited and I found out 3 weeks later he has no insurance. What can I do?
  • The provider that diagnosed my son with autism is withholding records due to non payment. The law says she cannot do this. What is my next step?
  • I am at the tail end of a very bitter divorce. I purchased my home prior to marriage; I am the only person listed on the title and mortgage. My ex-wife was granted temporary exclusive use and possession of the home during the divorce process. The divorce is now finalized. The decree clearly states the home is mine. There is nothing in the decree that states she has X number of days to vacate the residence, and she refuses to leave. What is the process to get her out of my house and how long can I expect it to take?
  • What is the difference between a superior court and a justice court?
  • Can I change my daughters middle and last name without her father’s permission he hasn’t seen her in 10 months I have sole custody.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program