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  • Can I move out of state with my 7 year old son? I was never married to his father and he doesn’t pay me monies for my son’s support. The father has been in jail for violating probation for drug use.
  • My husband is in the army and we are getting ready to PCS out of state. He has joint custody of his 6 year old son with his ex, neither of them are listed as the primary parent. However, we have him 90% of the time and want to take him with us. He basically just sleeps at her house 2 nights a week and every other weekend. We feel like we have a really good case for multiple reasons that I can't put down with this character limit. His ex is aware of the move & wants their son to stay here. My question is, whats the best way to go about filling this w/the court because we cant afford a lawyer.
  • paid a full year rent, unit sold with 6 month left before yearly rent due. Does the landlord need to refund unused rent ?
  • My teenage daughter and I were both arrest for domestic violence and both of us were prosecuted. Same case yet we were both identified as defendants which very effectively eliminated any accountability especially by the courts to address "Victim's Rights" at all. The words "dominate aggressor" does not exist , at least not in the statues in AZ. So my question is: How do the courts justify this? Is this ethical? Every justification so far has been absolutely absurd. Have you thought this through at all? Obviously: no victim, double fees, more income, more DV programs as Dual arrests increase
  • Trying to sell my mobile home in private rv park, landlord has taken 6 weeks in process of qualifying new tenant. Requiring all sorts of paperwork and credit card statements for past 2 years, new tenant proved high credit rating and no criminal background, finally he said he was thru and withdrew application which made sale of my mobile home cancelled. Meantime I have turned down a few buyers waiting this unreasonable amount of time for approval of a good reasonable buyer. How long is lawful to make a buyer wait for approval into a mobile home park. I fear this will never end.
  • I retired in January of last year (2016). My former employer is using my photo in his yellow pages and internet advertising WITHOUT my permission. what type of attorney do I contact? I wish to sue for monetary damages if possible and to stop him from using my photo and name in these ads. I gave him over 20 years of full time service, and the first time I actually took my full vacation time (3 weeks), he called me (during week 2)and told me he only wants to use me part time after my vacation was up.
  • As a grandparent what are the options for guardenship of our 18mon old grandson, Both biological parent have stated they have no intrest in parenting child. Can they be held finacially responciable until he turns 18.
  • I just moved into a house that i am renting. I received my first gas and water bill witch were outrageous prices. After calling the water and gas company we discovered that there was a leak under the house. They discovered that the remodel was done improperly breaking on of the pipes. He fixed the issue in a matter of days. But i feel that i should not have to pay the water or gas bill. He is refusing to pay them. Is there anything I can do?
  • I have a stipulated judgment on child support arrears. DCSE continues every month to try and garnish my accounts and take my taxes. I am and have always been current on the payments stipulated in the judgment. How can they take action when I am not in arrears on the stipulation?
  • Are there any resources that provide free or reduced cost defense for criminal misdemeanors in Phoenix? I cannot afford an attorney since I have been living pay check to pay check trying to pay off a $3000 title, but I do not qualify for a court appointed attorney ( bc state not seeking jail time) and do not qualify for any of the reduced/free legal aid programs on this site since without deducting bills I make about $2000 a month. Please help, as I do not want to defend myself at trial for criminal matters alone. It seems so unfair and unjust.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program