• Does anyone know how long (even ballpark) it takes AHCCCS to follow up on a fraud report? I sent one in on April 1st, and the fraudulent person is *still* getting services! I gave them all of the info they need to verify this person has group insurance. They just have to make one phone call to prove the case.
  • I live in a building that supposed to be subsidized based on your income now they’re charging me 50% of their income for 50% is $24,000 a year I don’t make $24,000 a year can they legally do this and if not how do I go about filing a complaint because I’m looking at our buildings income guidelines and for them to charge me 24 I’m sorry 50% of rent monthly you have to meet $24,000 a year I don’t make that yearly can they legally do this and if not then what do I need to do about this
  • My parents are getting a divorce and my younger sibing resides with my mother. Myself and other siblings realize that our mother is addicted to prescribed medications. My father does not want to write anything in the papers about my mothers drug dependency, however, my siblings and I agree that my mom should have to attend rehab to keep our sibling in her home. Is there legally anything we can do to demand rehab?
  • Can I utilize financial funding from an established foundation (501(c)(3)) if the INCORPORATOR is placed in a senior living facility due to injury? Upon her discharge, 24 hour care will be required. If yes, how? Thank you.
  • I currently pay child support for three children, however, as of January one of the children will be living full time with me. I need to do a modification, but am confused as to how to do it, because the online form doesn't really have a space for each childs parenting time.
  • My ex & I were together for 5 years, he signed acknowledgment of paternity when our daughter was born. We split up when she was 2 (she is 4 now), he has been paying child support for 5 months and was ordered to pay $17k arrears. He consented to step parent adoption before child support was ordered. The adoption will be final 6/1/11. Recently he started threatening to take me to court for paternity, can he?
  • If you have only missed one day at work, Are you required to give your employer a doctors note? I thought you had to be absent for at least three days before a doctors note is required
  • My parents have passed away and in their Trust and Wills I am listed as their representative. What do I have to do in order to sell their properties?
  • My birth date is wrong on my birth record how can I correct this
  • My husband and I are getting a divorce. He is living out of state so I currently have custody of our daughter. I am afraid that he will come and take her away. What can I do to make sure that he isn't able to do that???




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program