• I have lived in my apt for 19 years now,my landlord will not fix a thing, i have asked several times, i have the same carpet it's been shampooed over & over, it's horrible when asked he said he'd have to raise my rent, isn't that his responsibility to replace it after so many years. My outside steps have giant holes,moldy when it rains and the rails all shake he refuses to fix them, do i or someone else have to get hurt first, they are very dangerous but yet pass inspection, which i know he's paying them off, what can i do?
  • My packages go straight to the office at my apartments everyone's does. Why do they have to take pictures of my packages big or tiny before they let me have them. And then I have to sign for them. They are not the post office. I don't want pictures taken.
  • I have a small family with two children under 1yr facing eviction and I was talking with the assistant manager trying to come to some sort of payment plan and this was Monday because Court was that Thursday I was told by the assistant manager of the apartment complex that if I was planing on pay the rent in full with all the late fees ect, on Friday, that I should not miss work to go to my court hearing on Thursday! so I mist court I didn't have the complete amount Owed to pay and now we are about to be on the streets! Was that right for her to tell me that
  • I've been married for over 7 years I did an annulment but Tucson courts are saying its invalid because we have been married longer then 90 days and I was supposed to do a dirvoce not an annulment. Need someone to let me know if I am legally annulled or do I need to reapply and do a divorce.
  • I have a question concerning the law about zoning your property. My parents own 5 acres of land. They would like to if they are able to sell a couple acres to me. We are un sure if the law would alow this. Since there property is zoned for 5 acres.
  • Started a year lease (8/2019) In my current apartment. The first 4 months we’ve been having constant plumbing issues where the shower has over flowed with sewage back 3-4 times a single month. In the result of damaging/ruining personal items. All of the rugs destroyed by sewage flooding out of bathroom into hallway and entering bedroom. I’ve lost shoes, clothes, electronics, furniture etc.. with that being said, their has been constant headaches and migraines due to the horrid smell. I need a better understanding of the responsibilities for a landlord, in the state of Arizona. Rent Deduction?
  • When completing the living will, does this have to be recorded in the county clerks office in order for it to stand? thanks
  • DCS gave me full custody of my son. Can mom come and try to get him from me???
  • My kids father and I have joint legal custody and he has visitation every other weekend from Friday to Sunday. He constantly moves and now his current apartment is a 1 bd 1 ba. His parents and daughter live with him. So once our 3 kids are there that is 3 adults and 4 kids in this place. My kids told me they sleep on the floor, on a couch, or even in a large walk in closet. Also for the second time they have come back with bug bites all over their legs, arms, and even faces. What steps I can take so they are only can only be there during the day until he changes his situation?
  • Is a landlord responsible to remove bees from a property?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program