Child Custody
questions & answers
Question: At the age of 15 can you choose who you want to live with?
Answer: The following is provided for general information only. To find out how the law applies to a specific situation, contact an attorney directly. If this is a matter of child abuse or negligence, you should immediately seek help. You can call the following number anytime: Child Protective Services 888-SOS-CHILD or 888-767-2445 In the case of choosing which parent to live with, as in after a divorce, the court makes that decision based on the "best interest" of the child. The wishes of the child are often taken into consideration, as are many other factors, which are listed in ARS 25-403. Some of these factors include: what the parents want the child's adjustment to home, school and the community, and the child's relationship with siblings and friends. The court’s decision is also affected by many other legal factors. Also be aware that the age to file for emancipation (where you ask to court to be considered an adult) is 16, and the minor must be able to show that they are “self-sufficient”. See ARS 12-2451 for more information.
At the age of 15 can you choose who you want to live with?
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