Child Custody
questions & answers
Question: I'm not from AZ but my son is , He live with his mom and we been working things out for the pas couple years , I go visit and spend time with him ones at month, holidays , birthdays , etc. I do help with child support every month plus besides that money , when my son needs clothes or shoes you name it I always help with anything she ask for. Now I understand I live in a different State and I can't taker of him when he is going to school, buy I think summer time when not going to school I can taker of him , and she denied my request multiple times and I don't think that's fair what can I do?
Answer: Legal decision making should be established if it's not already. In order to do this, one of the parents would need to file in court legal decision making, parenting time and child support. To do this in Maricopa County, go to The information on paperwork and filing fees can be found there. If the child is located in another county outside of Maricopa County, go to: for the forms and information of your county.
I'm not from AZ but my son is , He live with his mom and we been working things out for the pas couple years , I go visit and spend time with him ones at month, holidays , birthdays , etc. I do help with child support every month plus besides that money , when my son needs clothes or shoes you name it I always help with anything she ask for. Now I understand I live in a different State and I can't taker of him when he is going to school, buy I think summer time when not going to school I can taker of him , and she denied my request multiple times and I don't think that's fair what can I do?
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State Bar of Arizona -
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Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
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Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
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- Catholic Charities - Yavapai County
View full description - Arizona Senior Citizens Law Project
View full description - Catholic Charities - West Valley
View full description - Attorney General’s Office (Tucson)
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