Child Support
questions & answers
Question: I had previously filled out paperwork to request a modification hearing. A hearing was scheduled but I would like to withdraw that request at this time. When I requested this I was unemployed and unable to pay, but I am now employed and paying as agreed, so I no longer need this modification. Is it possible to cancel this request and court hearing since I'm the one that requested this modification?
Answer: The court will allow you to withdraw a motion or a petition. You can file a document with the court that contains your case number and your signature that simply states you withdraw your petition for modification. You are also required to serve a copy on the other party. You may consider simply writing a letter to the court that lists the parties involved, the date your hearing is scheduled, and your case number. It must be signed by you.
I had previously filled out paperwork to request a modification hearing. A hearing was scheduled but I would like to withdraw that request at this time. When I requested this I was unemployed and unable to pay, but I am now employed and paying as agreed, so I no longer need this modification. Is it possible to cancel this request and court hearing since I'm the one that requested this modification?
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