Child Support
questions & answers
Question: Just recieved a paper for the court stating the The court has considered the pettion to modify Child Support Order. The court has revied the file and determined that there is no evidence in the court file that the petitione has ever been served upon the respondence pursuant to AZ Rules of family law procedure. They aslo sasid that it is orederd the ppetition to modify child support order will be dismissed on January 23, 2010 without prejudice for failure to timely serve the respondent unless prooof of timeky service is presented to the Court by that date? What does this mead in regular engkl
The person filing for modification is called the petitioner and the person responding to that modification is called the respondent. In addition to filing paperwork with the court, the petitioner is expected to serve the paperwork on the other party (the respondent). Without serving the respondent (the other party) with the paperwork, the other party may not be aware of the court action. The court is asking for proof that the other person was given the paperwork (served).
Dismissal without prejudice means that the court will allow the party to file that action in the future.
Some of the courts have informational packets that go along with the necessary forms. Those packets can walk you through the process in more detail. Some of the courts have self-service centers, while others provide the information online. You can view the information for modification in Maricopa, Pima and Coconino County.
Just recieved a paper for the court stating the The court has considered the pettion to modify Child Support Order. The court has revied the file and determined that there is no evidence in the court file that the petitione has ever been served upon the respondence pursuant to AZ Rules of family law procedure. They aslo sasid that it is orederd the ppetition to modify child support order will be dismissed on January 23, 2010 without prejudice for failure to timely serve the respondent unless prooof of timeky service is presented to the Court by that date? What does this mead in regular engkl
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