Divorce & Annulment
questions & answers
Question: I have been seperated from my husband for 2 years, he lives in Mexico we have 2 children, I am aware that he cannot offer anything for my children, I just want the divorce, How can this work out being that we married in Nevada and resided there throughout our marriage, I have been living in Az since he was deported 2 years ago, What procedures do I need to follow since he lives in Mexico?
You may want to review the articles on this site about divorce in Arizona, specifically the article titled, "Divorce in Arizona." That article states:
When can I start a divorce case?
Before starting the court case, either the husband or wife must have lived in Arizona for at least 90 days or have been a member of the armed forces stationed in Arizona for at least 90 days. Unless Arizona was the last state where you lived together with your spouse, issues regarding custody of children may require a longer residence time in order to deal with those issues.
To find out how the laws would apply in your specific situation, you may want to contact an attorney.
I have been seperated from my husband for 2 years, he lives in Mexico we have 2 children, I am aware that he cannot offer anything for my children, I just want the divorce, How can this work out being that we married in Nevada and resided there throughout our marriage, I have been living in Az since he was deported 2 years ago, What procedures do I need to follow since he lives in Mexico?
Free & Reduced Fees Legal Aid Resources
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- Please select your county of residence below.
State Bar of Arizona
www.azbar.org -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona
View full description - National Domestic Violence Hotline
View full description - Arizona Center for Disability Law-Phoenix
View full description - DES Division of Child Support Enforcement - Phoenix
View full description - Gila County Housing Dept.
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