questions & answers
Question: My 5 year old niece is currently in CPS custoday for the 3rd time, in AZ. I am in Florida. She has been placed with friends of the mothers who do not have a foster license. Both the mother and father have said they want to sign away their parental rights and have me adopt my niece. They know they can never properly care for her and I can. If they tell CPS that they want to terminate their rights and give me permanent legal guardianship until I can adopt her what is the process? How long will it take to get her out of foster care and into my home?Not the actual adoption, just being placed here
Answer: To obtain guardianship you can go to the Maricopa or Pima County Superior Court Self Service center and file for guardianship. You may also find the forms at If outside of Maricopa or Pima County, go to: for the forms. You may want to speak with an attorney on guardianship.
My 5 year old niece is currently in CPS custoday for the 3rd time, in AZ. I am in Florida. She has been placed with friends of the mothers who do not have a foster license. Both the mother and father have said they want to sign away their parental rights and have me adopt my niece. They know they can never properly care for her and I can. If they tell CPS that they want to terminate their rights and give me permanent legal guardianship until I can adopt her what is the process? How long will it take to get her out of foster care and into my home?Not the actual adoption, just being placed here
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