Grandparents' Rights
questions & answers
Question: My 1st husband passed away when my daughter was 2.I remarried and my daughter is 9 my husband now adopted her and they have a strong father and daughter bond .My 1st husbands parents are toxic.They haven't seen my daughter in 2 years she has no bond with them and forgot who they even are.The grandpa is a convicted child molester. Recently the grandmother threatened my husband saying if I don't stop airing dirty laundry she will file for supervised visitation rights.Can they get supervised visitation rights? Before my first husband passed he told his parents to stay away from his family .
Answer: A.R.S. Section 25-409 allows grandparents to file a petition in court asking for grandparent visitation rights. They will be required to fill out the paperwork, pay the filing fee, and serve you with all the paperwork. You will then have an opportunity to file a response to object to the visitation and list all your reasons. The court may set a hearing to have both sides explain their reasons. If they do follow through and file a petition, it is important that you document all your reasons for being opposed to visitation. Evidence of grandpa's child molestation conviction may be helpful.
My 1st husband passed away when my daughter was 2.I remarried and my daughter is 9 my husband now adopted her and they have a strong father and daughter bond .My 1st husbands parents are toxic.They haven't seen my daughter in 2 years she has no bond with them and forgot who they even are.The grandpa is a convicted child molester. Recently the grandmother threatened my husband saying if I don't stop airing dirty laundry she will file for supervised visitation rights.Can they get supervised visitation rights? Before my first husband passed he told his parents to stay away from his family .
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