Unemployment Compensation
questions & answers
Question: I have been receiving extended unemployment benefits due to lay off. I was supposed to receive them for about 7 weeks but have only received 4 payments and then they stopped with no explanation. Who can I contact about this.
Answer: Unemployment benefit issues are handled by the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES). You can contact the DES by phone at (602) 364-2722 or visit your local DES office which can be found online at - DES office . The DES is the primary organization that handles unemployment issues and will provide you with an explanation why your unemployment benefits have ceased. The DES will also inform you on what you need to do if you are eligible for further unemployment benefits.
I have been receiving extended unemployment benefits due to lay off. I was supposed to receive them for about 7 weeks but have only received 4 payments and then they stopped with no explanation. Who can I contact about this.
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