questions & answers
Question: I have a emotional support dog and pets are allowed in my apartment. My landlord charged me the pet deposit, I showed the landlord my pets registration card. The would not accept that and wanted a letter. I told them I would get the letter. Then I paid my rent for the following rent, 4 days letter they refused to accept my rent payment because it did not include the pet deposit. The started a 5 day eviction notice. Can they evict me on those grounds?
Answer: Under the Fair Housing Act (FHA), apartment complex landlords are required to provide reasonable accommodation for assistance animals – including emotional support animals – to tenants with disabilities. An attorney will be able to answer your question after discussing the situation with you in more detail and reviewing your rental agreement. There are links to free and low-cost legal services on this website (at http://www.azlawhelp.org/accessToJustice). If a tenant whose rights under the FHA have been violated finds themselves in court facing eviction, that tenant should be prepared to tell the judge what happened and to show the judge the same supporting letter from a mental health professional that the tenant showed the landlord.
I have a emotional support dog and pets are allowed in my apartment. My landlord charged me the pet deposit, I showed the landlord my pets registration card. The would not accept that and wanted a letter. I told them I would get the letter. Then I paid my rent for the following rent, 4 days letter they refused to accept my rent payment because it did not include the pet deposit. The started a 5 day eviction notice. Can they evict me on those grounds?
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