Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
questions & answers
Question: My roommate moved out ten days ago and left many of her belongings on the apartment. She told us verbally that we could have all the items she left behind then later changed her mind and said that she would give her friend two of the belongings. She threatened to send the police with her friend later on to pick them up. My question is if she has the right to send her friend to tale the belongings or if we have a right to take them since they were left in our apartment and she is no longer on the lease?
Answer: If they are her personal belongings, she has the right to them. You could be guilty of conversion (civil) or theft (criminal) if you withhold them or retain them. I would err on the side of caution and allow her to recover them. If she wants her friend to get them for her, she should provide something in writing to you to allow that to happen.
My roommate moved out ten days ago and left many of her belongings on the apartment. She told us verbally that we could have all the items she left behind then later changed her mind and said that she would give her friend two of the belongings. She threatened to send the police with her friend later on to pick them up. My question is if she has the right to send her friend to tale the belongings or if we have a right to take them since they were left in our apartment and she is no longer on the lease?
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