questions & answers
Question: My mother and father n law paid off a loan on a house I had before I married my ex husband never wanted a payment until I made him leave he was doing drugs he moved in with them then lost his job been in jail since. he supposed to pay half and me.He will never have to I was asingle mother for 14 years had to go on disability tok backtime money and got my house made all those payments and paid down 11,600 I draw ss now I have to pay them? I owe for my sons car I signed with he had surgery in school 19plus I have 3 loans.I have a son in college what do I file what do I do??what to file...Unfair!
Answer: The Bankruptcy hotline number is 866-553-0893. They can answer many of your questions. You may also want to contact the US Bankruptcy court at There is quite a bit of information on their website that may assist you before filing. You may also want to contact an attorney for legal assistance.
My mother and father n law paid off a loan on a house I had before I married my ex husband never wanted a payment until I made him leave he was doing drugs he moved in with them then lost his job been in jail since. he supposed to pay half and me.He will never have to I was asingle mother for 14 years had to go on disability tok backtime money and got my house made all those payments and paid down 11,600 I draw ss now I have to pay them? I owe for my sons car I signed with he had surgery in school 19plus I have 3 loans.I have a son in college what do I file what do I do??what to file...Unfair!
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State Bar of Arizona -
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National Domestic Violence Hotline
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Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
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