Divorce and Remarriage

questions & answers

Question: do I lose my rights to my child if a grandparent is apointed permanent guardian?

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Question: Can I get an anulment instead of a divorce?

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Question: Is there a time limit between filing a legal seperation and filing a divorce?

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Question: where can i get free or very low help in filling out a qualified domestic relations order (qdro)

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Question: i dont get to see my grandson he is almost 3 and I've only seen him mabe 10 times what can i do to get visitation?

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Question: my husband & i filed for legal separation in 2001. we reconciled in 04/2003 and lived together as husband & wife in arizona until end end of september 2006. he has filed for a dissolution of marriage, according to arizona law, are the terms of the 2001 legal separation still valid?

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Question: I understand that when a divorce occurs, everything accumulated is community property. However, is a disability retirement subject to joint disbursement. My online research gives me conflicting answers. How do the courts interpret this?

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Question: I gave revocable guardianship to my mom when I moved out of state so the kids could finish that school year and I started my new job. Now that I have petitioned to revoke guardianship, she is suing me for custody. I am so far and not sure how to handle this.

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Question: Is Arizona a common-law marriage state? If two seniors have been living together for more than ten years without being married and one passes away, will the living senior be responsible for the debts of the deceased.

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Question: If divorce papers state that house to be sold, but wife will not sell it, what can be done?

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Question: I have raised my grandaughter since she was six months and she is now 7 yrs old. My son lives with me and has legal guardianship over her. Her mother came and got her two days ago stating she now wants to raise her. What legal grounds do I have or what can I do to obtain guardianship over her?

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Question: I have a 9 year old child and share custody with her monther from whom I am divorced. I am now applying for social security benefits and have learned that my child is eligible for benefits. Since I have my daughter almost 50% of the time and maintain a residence where she has a separate room, clothing and articles, would the benefit paid to the child go to the mother? I don't feel this is fair since I am responsible for her medical expenses, child support, etc. Can you please advise.

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Question: what type of rights do grandparents have if the grandkids have lived with their parents all their life and the grandparents have seen them all their life?

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Question: My husband of 27 years moved to AZ "to find himself" well, he also found some "younger playmates" so to speak. We are till married, I am living in IL. He has been in Mesa now for over 4 years. I really don't know what my rights are to property he acquired (house he bought out there, $$ he acquired, etc) but can you direct me to some counseling, someone I can talk to for about 1/2 hr to see what I should do now. Its getting old!! Thank you.

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Question: If I am on ssi will I be able to remarry or will I lose all of my benefits?

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Question: My legally separated husband lives in Oregon and I live in Arizona how much and how long will it take to get a divorce?

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Question: My 70 year old mother currently lives in Show Low Arizona and is going to be leaving her husband. Can she file the paperwork via the Internet or can she file it in a court in Phoenix? Also, she is on Social Security and gets a small SSI check. Her husband gets a small SSI check. She makes less than $700 a month - do you know if she will have to pay alimony? She thinks when she moves that she may loose her SSI money and that her husbands amount will increase. Can you please comment on this?

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Question: My wife wants a divorce. Mainly to get my name and responsibility off of her. Is there a quick way to do this?

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Question: Where cam I find online "Respondent" forms for a dissolution of marriage petition?

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Question: I have recently moved back to arizona,my husband resides in illinois and has filed for divorce. I was told i can't file any papers here to respond to what i was served, and i have no idea what to do or what is going on. Can someone please help me

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Question: I have recently moved back to arizona,my husband resides in illinois and has filed for divorce. I was told i can't file any papers here to respond to what i was served, and i have no idea what to do or what is going on. Can someone please help me

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Question: how long does it take to get a annulment in az

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Question: Am I responsible for debt incurred prior to marriage at anytime?

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Question: I was incarcerated in july of this year and was released just recently, during that time my wife and 2 children had moved to kansas I am most likely to file for divorce and will be seeking joint custody. I am planning on having the kids for their summer break and winter breaks.Since she is out of state what is the procedure for this to occur and what must I file,also will she have to come back to Arizona for the proceedings or can she remain in Kansas?

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Question: If I marry, and I am on SSI & SS income, do I loose either one of them or do I retain the same amount that I have always recieved??

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Question: I've read that Az. doesn't recognize common law marriage. However, I can't find information to clarify what occurs with a partnership after a given number of years. I've been cohabitating with a lady for 7 years, and recently was told "you've been together long enough that everything you have is community property." I'm concerned about our separate investments that we each have willed to our respective children. Thanks for any information you might be able to provide.

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Question: how long i have to wait to get remarried after having the decree of divorce?

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Question: Does th money have to be divided equally during the divorce proceeding?

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Question: My boyfriend and I have lived together for 7 years now. Recently his health took a turn for the worst. He is still legally married and his wife says she has the right to come into our home and take whatever she wants upon his death. Is this at all possible or is she blowing smoke? He wants a divorce but hasn't been able to accomplish this because of his health.

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Question: I have been divorced for 8 years. I paid child support till two years ago when my son turned 19 years of age and had graduated from high school. I have been paying spousal support for the past eight years. My ex wife has been living with another man and has properties they have purchased as joint tenants. She is wearing a wedding ring with a diamond on it. How can I find out if she has gotten married or not? Could she have gone to a different state and gotten married there, so I wouldn't know? Thank you for your help.

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Question: Can my ex-wife receive half of my social security reducing my benefit. In other words if I am to receive $1000 is she entitled to $500?

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Question: If I ask a court for a protective order, and they denied it, can i go to another court and try?

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Question: When do you know if your divorce is final?

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Question: My financial advisor says that any IRA's and property I own prior to marriage is still mine unless I comingle funds. Only what is acquired after marriage is community property. Is this so?

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Question: is there a procedure for law enforcement on serving an order of protection with protected address

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Question: My husband of 20 years met a woman on the internet, moved her from Florida to Arizona, and put her up in an apartment. During the 5 years I tried to save money to get a divorce, he cleaned out all our retirement savings. As he didn't pay taxes, the IRS came after him for the $150,000 he took and also reduced my social security. I really need a divorce from him, but I'm SMI bipolar and he's mean.  Help me please.

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Question: Would I be able to get visitation of my two children if they live in a diffrent city? They live with there grandparents and there mother live in the same city I live in.

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Question: I am considering remarriage. I am a widow & receive widows SS benefits. I also work full time, own my own home(mortgage on it) vehicle(no lien) savings. I just found out my fiancee(age 64) has not paid income taxes since the 1970's(Tea Party does not believe in paying) the IRS has seized his SS benefit. He has no savings & little income(electrician works for himself). Says he plans on filing a lawsuit against the IRS for his SS. How would this situation affect me if we were to marry? He can also take his union retirement anytime, would the IRS sieze this also? Can they lien any of my SS benefits and/or put lien on my house if we were to marry? I feel they could, he says no that if we did a prenuptial agreement, would be fine. I disagree, the IRS could care less about it. I am not going to marry him regardless but would like to be better informed. Thank you

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Question: I took early social security years ago on my own social security I was married to my first husband 12 years could I have take full social on his.could I still

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Question: My 72 year old dad is getting married to a 57 year old woman on disability. We found out she owes a sizeable debt to the government. Will my dad's social security payment be garnished to re-pay her debt or will his retirement/salary be garnished once they file income taxes as a married couple? Thanks,

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Question: who do i call if i have not gotten my child support payment in 2 weeks

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Question: Do you offer help or assistance to me regarding filing paperwork, etc. for me to obtain a divorce.

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Question: Me and my girlfriend are asian. Currently I am working in US by holding my non immigrant visa and she is staying in Asia. We are planning to get marry soon. Is it possible I sign a marriage certificate in US then courier to her to sign for her part? She needs to apply her Visa as my supplement with the legal Marriage Certificate before she can legally stay with me in US.

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Question: My divorce decree from over 40 years ago specifies my former wife may continue to reside in our former residence. Both our names are on deed to the property. How can I find out if I have any liability related to this property since my name is still on it. And if I do, how do I protect myself?

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Question: We have been married for 23 years. My husbands last surviving parent recently passed away leaving my husband some property and money. If I file for divorce is that inheritance considered community property?

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Question: My father remarried two years ago. His health is taking a turn for the worse and he will need assisted living soon. They currently live in independent living with a meal plan. His own retirement is enough to cover the cost of assisted living, but his new wife is spending money on groceries that they don't need - about 900 dollars a month. The family is thinking of getting my dad out of this situation, but we don't know what the best thing to do is. What steps should we take?

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Question: Do I need attorney for a domestic relations order

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Question: can I take legal action towards my ex after 4 years being that I was just made known of thr term over reaching & at this time I was on drugs I have a mental illness & he plain coned me into fring my attorney.Hes very smart & unfortunately I am n ot.I live off 350$ a month plus help from friends.He over reached & took almost everything in a state that claims to be 50 50.I was out of my mind because of how he manipulated me.Can I get free help pleaswe.I have no checking savings or anything.Right now I have 2 $.Please help me to get what is rightfully mine.I was married for 28 years until he got a girlfriend & threw me out to move her in in 6 days.Please please tell me where I can go if you cant help me.I am almost homeless & I don't believe that I will make it in the world.Yes I am desperate

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Question: My Divorce Attorney has lost over 500 pages of my families financial records.I have been closing accounts, fear of foul play. Should he be held accountable - what can I do, as he chose to ignore it.

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Question: Hello, My husband and I divorced after 46 years of marriage Jan 16,2014. We remained in the same home until I was hospitalized and then moved in with my daughter. My husband got our vehicles in the divorce. He has since passed away Jan of 2015. I found that the vehicles were never transferred from "or" status his name or my name. I am legally entitled to the vehicle. His son was named as the sole heir in his trust.

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Question: I have not seen my husband for 30 years. We have not been together since 1987. I am in the process of receiving my retirement benefits, I do not want him to receive any of my benefits or be listed as my dependent/spouse on my pension since I have never been with or seen him in 30 years. Please tell me how I should proceed in getting divorce/legal separation?? abandoned ex-wife

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Question: Hello. I am in a second marriage. Our investments and home are in a trust with my husband. But I have received some money as an inheritance. Can I put this is a separate savings in my name only, with my sons as beneficiaries?

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Question: without a pre-nup is money in retirement funds community propery? what about gains on those funds? I need some legal advise and don't know where to go.

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Question: I am a widow who remarried 5years ago in June of 2010 my spouse has not worked steadily for the past four years and not at all for the last three years. He moved into my home when we met and things started getting bad right after we got married I told him I wanted a divorce and he told me to go ahead and file, that he can stay living here in my house for 2 years after I file legally.  I do have a prenuptial agreement. Is this true?

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Question: I recently read the legal eagle by atty mark Sullivan, its for military and spouse, family divorces. He says to see a military legal assistance atty.could you locate one close to Yavapai county?

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Question: After divorcing in 1999 I raised my 3 children for years while my ex scated on the majority of the support she was supposed to pay. I let it go. After she failed to return two from a visitation I agreed to allow them to stay with her. She jacked up my payment by 4x as much based on a former income. She now takes 50% of my income including Soc Sec and is starving me out. A civil matter at this time. Possilby criminal fraud. She is a legal secretary and knew what she was doing. 87 filings. I can't afford the copying fees.

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Question: Will i continue to receive my "Late Husbands" pension if i remarry?

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Question: I have been separated from my wife for 17 years. I need to get a divorce is there any help i can get paying for this? I also need to know where to go to get documents started. thank you

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Question: if i am the owner of the house do i have the right to live there when going to divorce

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Question: hello I am in the process of getting a divorce but I don't know the form I need to print out so that I wont have to pay for my divorce because I receive food stamps

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Question: My husband is a drug addict who has been evading service as of 2014/2015. Just when I was almost done with proceedings, he moved to a different state. I didn't have the money to start over and have since become unemployed. I don't want to end up responsible for his bills once my bankruptcy is through. How can I get help? My area states they don't handle divorces so I don't know where to turn.

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Question: I was married to an ex marine for 10 years when I was 18. He was murdered shortly before we were divorced. Its been over 20 years but I was wondering am I still qualified for survivor's benefits or his pension?

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Question: I am a retired soldier my former spouse has remarried..   Do I have to continue former spouse payment?

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Question: My soon to be ex wife and I are going through divorce. In the preliminary it States that we each keep the vehicle that were driving and we are responsible for the payments on the that vehicle. Will she decided to be sneaky and dirty and she had one of her friends who is a repo agent come on to my property and steal the vehicle from me even though I wasn't behind the payments. Is that legal? And what about all the money that I paid on the vehicle even though it was in her name which is technically community property community property. I just bought brand new tires for the truck brand new rims

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Question: I was married to my ex husband for 11 years while he was in the military. He later retired from the military. Am I entitled to half of his pension? It was not noted on our divorce decree.

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Question: My ex was served by my lawyer with a 30 order to reply or comply, he has not yet made a valid reply thru the courts. Do I receive everything that I asked for? And why would my lawyer be in contact with him and give him an extra week to see what he is going to offer? Is there malpractice suit here as well?

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  • I was married to my ex husband for 11 years while he was in the military. He later retired from the military. Am I entitled to half of his pension? It was not noted on our divorce decree.
  • my husband & i filed for legal separation in 2001. we reconciled in 04/2003 and lived together as husband & wife in arizona until end end of september 2006. he has filed for a dissolution of marriage, according to arizona law, are the terms of the 2001 legal separation still valid?
  • My 72 year old dad is getting married to a 57 year old woman on disability. We found out she owes a sizeable debt to the government. Will my dad's social security payment be garnished to re-pay her debt or will his retirement/salary be garnished once they file income taxes as a married couple? Thanks,
  • If I marry, and I am on SSI & SS income, do I loose either one of them or do I retain the same amount that I have always recieved??
  • I have not seen my husband for 30 years. We have not been together since 1987. I am in the process of receiving my retirement benefits, I do not want him to receive any of my benefits or be listed as my dependent/spouse on my pension since I have never been with or seen him in 30 years. Please tell me how I should proceed in getting divorce/legal separation?? abandoned ex-wife
  • I was incarcerated in july of this year and was released just recently, during that time my wife and 2 children had moved to kansas I am most likely to file for divorce and will be seeking joint custody. I am planning on having the kids for their summer break and winter breaks.Since she is out of state what is the procedure for this to occur and what must I file,also will she have to come back to Arizona for the proceedings or can she remain in Kansas?
  • I have been divorced for 8 years. I paid child support till two years ago when my son turned 19 years of age and had graduated from high school. I have been paying spousal support for the past eight years. My ex wife has been living with another man and has properties they have purchased as joint tenants. She is wearing a wedding ring with a diamond on it. How can I find out if she has gotten married or not? Could she have gone to a different state and gotten married there, so I wouldn't know? Thank you for your help.
  • I have recently moved back to arizona,my husband resides in illinois and has filed for divorce. I was told i can't file any papers here to respond to what i was served, and i have no idea what to do or what is going on. Can someone please help me
  • If I am on ssi will I be able to remarry or will I lose all of my benefits?
  • Do you offer help or assistance to me regarding filing paperwork, etc. for me to obtain a divorce.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program


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