Protection Orders

Articles and Info

Domestic Violence in Arizona Criminal Law

This article provides a brief overview of domestic violence in Arizona criminal law. Not all forms of domestic violence are listed as crimes in the Arizona Criminal Code.

Arizona Address Confidentiality Program

Read this article to learn more about the Arizona Address Confidentiality Program, who it protects and what it can do for victims of certain crimes.

Injunctions Against Harassment

Are you being harassed by someone? Learn more about what you can do legally to stop unwanted and harmful behavior.

Order of Protection

How to get an order of protection and what it can do to help you.

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a term that is often thrown around but sometimes can be hard to define. This article explains the concepts of  teen and domestic violence and they laws that surround them.

Protective Order Center - How to Obtain an Order of Protection from the Court

Maricopa County Superior Court has created a series of videos to help the public to better understand popular areas of law. This video discusses the Protective Order Center located in downtown Phoenix and the process of getting an order of protection.

Domestic Violence Resource Guide - DNA People's Legal Services

Victim's Bill of Rights

Arizona leads the nation in the most victim's rights provided. In addition to statutes, Arizona has a constitutional amendment for victim's rights. Learn about these rights here.

Where to Find an Attorney for Specific Legal Advice

 All legal service programs in Arizona differ, and their criteria for accepting cases vary as well. Find out what programs are available and where to go for assistance.

County Resources for Domestice Violence Victims

Just click on your County below to find information and phone numbers for the courts, counseling, legal aid, victim assistance, shelters, safe houses and more.

Domestic Violence Survivor's Guide

Find information about how to report domestice violence, getting and enforcing protective orders, hearings and more.

Things You Should Know about Protective Orders

When you are in a relationship with someone who uses threats, harasses, molests, stalks, attacks, batters or strikes you, your family or your children, that person is committing Domestic Violence. You are not alone.

by: Arizona Supreme Court, Court Services Division

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Related Questions

Question: How does a person obtain exclusive use of a residence with injunction against harassment?
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Question: My ex has an order of protection on me. I am also on probation because of our relationship issues. I have to report all her attempts to contact me to my p.o. She has sent many threats, msgs, and requests I contact her. I have filed a police report against her, and victim svcs has told her to stop, but she now uses my p.o.'s name in her msgs while advising me that there is nothing either vic svcs, my p.o., nor TPD can do beyond advising her not to contact me, but I will go to prison if I reply. How can I protect myself against her? I have reason to fear further action by her.
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Question: My boyfriend's ex has a restraining order against him. She is constantly contacting me only to get information on him. Is she violating her own restraining order by contacting me just to find out about him?
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Question: I told a friend of mine to get a restraining order against her ex-boyfriend but she is too afraid to do so but I be able to get that order of protection against him for her
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Question: Do I have a time limit during which to request a protection order?
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Question: I have a neighbor that is taking my picture everyday because I turn around in front of their house to go down my street because it dead-ends so there's only one way out they have threatened me called me names and state their willing to lie about things and spend thousands of dollars to prove a point. They do not want me to turn around in front of their house but it is a city street. They have threatened me with a protection order stating that I am a threat to them. Can I file a protection order against them for the verbal abuse harassment and invasion of privacy when they take my picture daily
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Question: I was served with a protection order and had to leave my home. My girlfriend went by the house and noticed my roommate who had me served took my door off its hinges and stole my tools out of my room as well as the shed. What do I do?
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Question: Does the plaintiff of a protective order need to follow the same order as no contact order can the plaintiff contact the defendant
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Question: My ex boyfriend put a restraining order against me so I couldn't get my things from his apt. separated after restraining order for a few weeks he has made contact with me the whole time (calls to myself and friends and family, text, showing up where I moved to). He also threaten to show up somewhere I am and calling the police. At this point I'm the one being harrassed. How can I go about doing something legally to either get restraining order removed and placing one on him or protect myself against restraining order
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Question: If I, the Plaintiff," contact the Defendant, who I have an Order of Protection against, am I in violation of that order?
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Question: Laws against organized community harassment?
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Question: What should I do if my ex still calls and texts me after the order of protection has been served? Can I call the police?
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Question: I have a court order for parenting time that my Ex is not complying with. We have a court date set for the end of February. But today I was served with an order of protection but I have never threatened any harm. Can she use this order of protection to keep my kids from me? Or will she have to comply with the existing court ordered parenting time unless a judge approves modifications to it?
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Question: What if somebody is harassing me and it is escalating to the point where he's trying to get me fired from my job? I tried to get an injunction against harassment, but the court turned me down. He, however, got an injunction against workplace harassment, and everything he told the court was a verifiable why. If I can't afford an attorney, what do I do when where do I turn? This person has done the same thing to multiple victims in multiple cities. He is also a scam artist with eight aliases. I can't find anyone to help me.
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Question: I have a order of protection against my ex but he continues to stalk me and text me. What can I do about this? He has also placed a tracker on my car, recorded audio and video of me without my knowledge, tried to break into my apt, he is threatening me and won't leave me alone. I don't know what to do anymore. I have saved every email/text/voicemail his sent me. I need advice as to what I'm suppose to do. Also he has no address so there is nowhere to send the cops to.
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Question: Can I file a protection order against a police if I have proof
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Question: I live with my ex girlfriend. It has become turbulent. The past year plus she has physically/verbally/objects thrown at me/harassing email-text/threats on my life-police-suing me etc. This is a daily event. I have been told by family to file a PFA. She has no car and we dont know anybody here(From out of state). I work at home and pay 99% of the bills. Along with all the above issues my business is is also affected affected(I am forced out of the apartment almost daily). I am concerned that if I get a PFA they will ask me to leave because I have a car(she does not)--now what?-plus im a guy?
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Question: My Roomate filled a protection order against me he lies about everything cops came and told me to leave I got 15 mins. Then I requested hearing date and court kept the protection order valid I need to get my furniture out of the apt what do I do ! Help me pls.
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Question: I have an order of protection against my soon to be EX husbands sister. She constantly bad mouths me to my 2 children. She is causing unnesecary upset to them by making them feel they need to choose sides. Can I add my children to the protective order as people she can not have contact with?
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Question: My ex-boyfriend was arrested in 2014 & sentenced to 4.5 year. I ended the relationship shortly afterward for many reasons including physical & mental abuse. He threatened me if I ever left him & tried to kill me twice. After his arrest, I became homeless & all of our belongings were lost. I have since met someone else & have gotten married. I wrote my ex in prison to let him know his belongings were gone & that I had gotten married & not to come looking for me or his things upon his release. I am afraid he will come after me.Is it possible to get an Order of Protection prior to his release?
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Question: My boyfriend and I live in the same house as his father and a roommate, his father is always getting upset over nothing and instead of talking civilly with us, he yells and picks a fight, my boyfriend has anxiety as well as some other medical issues, and cannot deal with this, and it normally leads to loud verbal arguments. My question is are we able to get a no contact order on his father and roommate while we are living in the same house?
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Question: can I get a protective order against my minor daughters minor boyfriend
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Question: can i get an order of protection aganst my daughter
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Question: I was fired from my job for no reason. I was upset about when I spoke to my boss and called a co worker a bad word at my boss. Then, they filed a workplace harassment injunction on me. I filed a hearing. The judge threw out the false claims they made on me but had to keep the injunction on me because of the bad word I called the co worker when I was fired. I want this off my record without filing an appeal. How can I get this off my record?
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Question: Can someone take out a harassment order when no harassment has occurred?
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Question: My wife has a OOP against me,is filing for custody of our 3 yr old son that I have no parenting time for at least a year.Since marrying CPS has been contacted multiple times (by father) accusing us of providing an unsafe environment,once specifically that I was abusive and a seperate time that I punched and kicked her 10 yr old down the hall.All found unsubstantiated.The latest accusation is the worst.That I have touched my stepdaughter inappropriately.I am under investigation for the last two months.I am innocent.Can she do this?I am being treated as a criminal.Can I not get shared custody?
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Question: We have a friend on our lease after 8 months of paying 0.00$ towards any bills her and her boyfriend moved out. Can we file a restraining order against them to keep them away from us our children and our home?
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Question: I just found out I have a protective order filed against me that says it has been served I have never been served what do I do
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Question: I have been wrongly served an Injunction against Harassment (IAH) notice. I want to challenge this, but in the meantime, I also want to get a protection order against the plaintiff. Is it wise for me to do so? Also, I plan on challenging the injunction. Should I seek attorney counsel? Or should I represent myself at the hearing?
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Question: A cop came to my place of work and told me if I contact my ex he would throw me in jail. I've not had any orders by the court so can he it?
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Question: Was an orderof protectionserved properly thepolice cameto mydoormyfatheransrwedthedoormy dadcalledme tothe doorthedoorwasopen Irefusedpapers policeofficrs threw them into my dadshome Inever touched thepapers isitvalid?
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Question: Recently, I have been put under a the protection of a restraining order with out my consent. It lasts one year and I do not wish to remain under it for that long. I'm going to turn 18 in a few months. Is it possible to take the protection of the restraining order off of me when I turn 18?
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Question: where can I obtain a copy of restraining order placed against me in Feb 2015 by my girlfriend/Phoenix Court? keeping me away from property as well as her?
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Question: When you have someone on Facebook making threats to you about a service you did for them and they didn't like it now they want to threaten you and go to places you're at to hurt you
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Question: If someone is contesting a protection order for reasons not even listed on the form i filled out to get the order can it be overturned ?
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Question: I am the petitioner of a protective order and the defendant has not been served yet. Our court date is next week. What is gonna happen? Will they dismiss it or continue it.
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Question: I was granted an order of protection from a judge after receiving death threats from former employer for resigning after enduring abuse. They are now harassing me by means of my unemployment. Such as making up lies about me and appealing constantly. They are even giving bad reviews of me to potential employers. What are my options??
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Question: What if they have the last name wrong does it still stand
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Question: How long do you have to reply to a order of protection when it is served on you.
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Question: I got an order of protection, got it served and later was told by a judge to take our daughter off of it. The amended order ain't been served so is the original still in effect or how does this work?
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Question: I am the mother and legal guardian of my children. My mother does not like my boyfriend who isn't the father of my two eldest children but the father of my youngest. My mother filed for and was granted a protective Order against my boyfriend for my two eldest children. Is this legal?
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Question: I filed an order of protection a former acquaintance. She in turn went to a different judge and filed one against me. Can she do that? I have proof of her harassment, she got hers with lies. Can I contest it?
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Question: Can I file order of protection when someone threatened to cause severe damages to my vehicle and to have someone to jump on me?
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Question: If I try and get a restraining order for my 17 year old daughter against her boyfriend, can she deny it because she is 17 ?
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Question: I have been served an Order of Protection in retaliation for a Domestic Violence issue in which I am the victim. Will this order prevent me from retaining my real estate license and teaching certificates? Will it affect my fingerprint background check?
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Question: I was contacted by the Sheriffs dept. and told an Order of Protection was served to me the past April. I was never served any documents or aware of this. How may I get a record (copy) of this service?
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Question: I was contacted by the Sheriffs dept. and told an Order of Protection was served to me the past April. I was never served any documents or aware of this. How may I get a record (copy) of this service?
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Question: Me and my ex-spouse has joint custody, recently I move and have not reported to the court. Im scared to let him know my new residents due to the threats that I recieve by text and answering machine I decided to get a training order is there anything that I need to know addiction to this order?
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Question: I was given exclusive use of our residence in my OOP. Is my husband still required to pay his half of the rent even though he was required to leave the residence?
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Question: I recently had to get an Injunction Against Harassment against someone. They set a court date to contest it. I went to court, but the defendant never showed up. The Injunction is still in place. Can the defendant ask for another court date or legally contest it again. They were notified of the court date, since they requested it, so the court labeled them as "did not appear and had notification of the hearing date and time". This has been a very stressful ordeal. I want to know if I can breathe again or if I can expect to have to go to court again if the defendant requests it.
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Question: if someone has filed an harrassment against myself and they very specifically demanded that i am not allowed at the community pool in the same apt. complex and i was at the pool first then she comes to the pool herself and stays has she herself violated her own order and does said protection become null and void alltogether
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Question: Is there such thing as a modified restraining order that stipulates the defendant may not come to my place of residence during certain hours? I don't want the defendant to not be able to have ANY contact with me, I just don't want him on the premises during certain hours becuz he is disruptive while I am trying to conduct my home business.
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Question: On a Saturday night me and my ex got in a fight. It was nothing to big i thought. I went to bed and as I did i punched the wall and put a small hole in it. She slept on the couch. The next day i got up and she was not there. I called her to see where she was and she said that she wanted to separate. That was about 5pm on Sunday. We fought over the phone. I called her twice. Then about 8or9 the cops showed up and took my guns. Tuesday night they showed up again and kicked me out of my house and said she got a protection order against me. How is this possible? And it's for a year.
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Question: I was involved with a woman and broke things off, she went and filed an order of protection last year, I wanted to fight it judge said if I did I would lose my gun rights, so it was modified so I could keep my gun and rights. That expired last year in July 2013. Today I was served again with another order of protection, Again all reasons listed are False! And now I have to turn over my gun. How can one fight the order of protection without losing gun, gun rights? How can one fight these false allegations? I don't want anything to do with this woman, She is telling lies to court to get order!
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Question: A friend told my ex that I have been advised to get a RO against him. He retaliated by getting a false one against me- before I could  on against him. Its been 6months now, but I want to contest this and also get him one cos he is still going around asking people of my whereabout.I'm scared of this man and his terrible anger.pls what do I do? I can't afford an attorney at all. Where do I start? Is there a lawyer who can represent a domestic violence victim for free or future payment?
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Question: I filed and received an Order Of Protection, including the exclusive rights to my house and property. That was around the 3rd of June. The Judge said they would serve it at no cost by that day or the very next day. They did not make it by on the same day. The next day everyone had to leave the house due to the house being chemically fumigated. So the Order was not served. I assumed they would return and they have not. Also the police have been back to the house since then due to the same reasons I acquired the Order. I told them about the Order and they made it seem like its not valid? Is that true?
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Question: there is a pfa on my husband for me. His mom lives with me. He is in jail is he still aloud to send letters to her with out it violating the pfa order?
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Question: I was servd an order of protection from an exlover who i was in a long term gay relatinship with. since being served he has contacted me via e mail and phone several times. In addition he has visited me in my home, came over for intimate visits, etc. Is he legally allowed to do this being that he was he one who originated thee order?
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Question: For an Order of Protection to be filed, does there have to be an incident within the past 12 months or is long pattern of abuse sufficient?
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Question: I live in Nevada, but my father lives in Arizona. His wife claims that she has a restraining order against my wife and I, prohibiting us from contacting my father. I have never been served or even contacted by any law enforcement entity in Nevada or Arizona. Is there any definitive way to to determine if there is an order in place?
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Question: How long do i have to get an order of protection served once it has been filed?
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Question: My ex-wife took out a protection order against my 17 year old daughter's boyfriend back in March 2011. My daughter did not wish for this but could not stop her mother. Now my daughter is 18 years old and wants to be removed from the protection order. Can she do this in a simple manner? Or does she have to hire a lawyer and go to court?
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Question: can a parent file a injunction against harassment against his daughters boyfriend if the daughter does not want it and if the boyfriend did not do anything
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Question: are harrassment orders used to stop a party from defaming a persons character and to stop them from making false claims to various agencies?
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Question: well before my wife put a restrain order i cannot see ans i know i have to turn in any fires arms but i bought a katana online its on its so do i have to tirn that in too and is it even legal to have one on pheonix arizona?
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Question: Do I have to renew an order of protection in the court that ordered it or can it be done through any justice court?
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Question: my live in boyfriend of three years was removed from my home which i own with pfa order. if the pfa is overturned at the hearing will he be able to move back in. he has threatened my life in the past.
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Question: A court signed an Injunction Against Harrassment to protect me from my ex-boyfriend but I cannot afford to pay a process server to have the injunction served on him.  He is still harrassing me but leaves before the police arrive.  What should I do?
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Question: If someone puts an order of protection or a restraining order against me, it is good for 1 year from service. But how long after does it stay on my personal file.
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Question: what is the meaning of domestic violence, and how many years can you get for this
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Question: Is there a law or work on a law regarding couples involved in domestic violence requiring them to seek counseling separately. Or, more specifically, if doing counseling with a couple when domestic violence is apparent, are therapists then required to refer to separate therapists for the individuals of the couple?
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Question: Should I seek counsel in a case where I ihave a protective order and defendant filed an answer with a lawyer?
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Question: I was recently in a relationship with a guy who was verbally and emotionally abusive. We were living together for about 3 months and he was always yelling at me and I was getting very scared. After he held me inside our apartment and refused to let me leave I finally got out and moved out. I tried to keep things civil. He moved to out of state but he says he will come back. He calls the house I am staying at several times a day.  He breaks into my emails and talks to my friends. He threatens me and he gets very angry at times and calls me and says he will do stuff to me and he will do stuff to my friends . I was wondering what I could do. I am very stressed out and scared and I feel like it is getting worse and I need a solution. I looked up about an order of protection but Im not sure where to go and how to do it. Id like to stop him from contacting me, my family, and my friends. I feel that he may be emotionally unstable and have issues that could turn to violence. He says he is coming back to Arizona and I just want to protect myself, my family, and my friends.
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  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program