Arizona Resources
Articles and Info
Do you need help filing a case? This program may be your answer. Learn more here.
Information on voting and registering to vote. The General Election is November 3, 2020. The deadline to register to vote is October 9, 2020.
Guide for Self-Represented Appellants and Appellees
The "Appeals Guides for Self-Represented Parties" is a series of five separate guides created by the Arizona Supreme Court to assist parties who represent themselves in certain appeals.
by: Arizona Supreme Court
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Tips for a Successful Client-Attorney Relationship
by: State Bar of Arizona
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Arizona Superior Court Locations by County
Find out where your county's superior court is located and how to contact by phone or online
Helpful phone numbers and hotlines
Where to Find an Attorney for Specific Legal Advice
All legal service programs in Arizona differ, and their criteria for accepting cases vary as well. Find out what programs are available and where to go for assistance.
A certified fiduciary serves as a court appointed guardian, conservator or personal representative for one or more persons, charging a fee, unrelated to the person or decedent and is not nominated in the will.
Find information about your County Tax Assessor's Office and what services are available on-line.
County Resources for Domestice Violence Victims
Just click on your County below to find information and phone numbers for the courts, counseling, legal aid, victim assistance, shelters, safe houses and more.
How to Get a Certified Copy of a Birth Certificate
To request a birth certificate, you must be at least 18 years old and an immediate family member of the person on the birth certificate. The Arizona Office of Vital Records has birth and death records.
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Free & Reduced Fees Legal Aid Resources
Click Here to apply online, or call
- Please select your county of residence below.
State Bar of Arizona -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Community Legal Services - San Luis - Yuma County
View full description - DNA - People's Legal Services - Tuba City
View full description - Catholic Charities - Central & Northern Arizona
View full description - Arizona Secretary Of State
View full description - Maricopa County Regional Homeless Court
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