Domestic Violence Article

Where to Find an Attorney for Specific Legal Advice

Arizona has three legal aid organizations which cover different regions of the state.

  1. Community Legal Services (800) 852-9075 covers Maricopa, Mohave, Yavapai, Yuma and LaPaz Counties.
  2. Southern Arizona Legal Aid (800) 640-9465 covers southern Arizona.
  3. DNA People’s Legal Services (800) 789-7287 covers northern Arizona.

All legal service programs in Arizona differ, and their criteria for accepting cases vary. The legal aid organizations above all have the same criteria of income restrictions and legal status requirements, but do have varying priorities.

To find out about more Arizona resources that may be able to assist you, you can contact LegalLEARN, Legal Information & Resources at (866) 637-5341.

Individuals may apply for free and reduced fee legal services by using the "Access To Justice Online Intake System" through AZLawHelp. 

If the legal services program in your area cannot assist you, you may be able to find a lawyer through lawyer referral services in Maricopa County (602) 257-4434 or Pima County (520) 623-4625.

The State Bar also maintains a listing of all Arizona attorneys on their website, and certifies “specialists” in eight legal areas. (Not all attorneys seek such certification, however.) Lists of specialists can also be found at the State Bar of Arizona’s website.



  • In an order of protection, how many feet does it grant/rule for the abuser to stay away from me?
  • I was a victum of domesticviolence. Because of that my son and i had to live with my drug addticed mother. Now the father of my son has full custody. And i am forced to pay child support i can not afford it. What should i do?
  • I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

    Where to get Ativan without prescription?

  • I was served with an injunction against harassment and was never informed by the plantiff that I was harassing her...we were friends. Now I have been given this form and I don't know what to do...she never indicated that she felt threaten by me and showed no changes in her behaviors that would even give the slightest clue as to her feelings...what do I do to protect myself now...
  • what do i do if my friends father and brother is fisicaly hurting her and her boyfriend every day. ( thay have marks on ther body every time i see them and i guess the police are not doing anything for her or her boyfriend.they have ben called numerious times for a variety of violent crimes and absouluty nothing has ben dun. fro,m what im being told. is this possible
  • My son's father and his girlfriend had a domestic violence incident in his home where she broke glass, furniture, and physically assaulted him. The police came. My 5 year old son was in the home at the time. I would like to get a restraining order against her for my son. I don't want my son to be exposed to that again. She has also been harrassing me via hundreds of texts, phone calls, social media messages, etc. Do I have enough to file for a restraining order against her for my son? My concern is for my son's safety.
  • Hello, my parents marriage is negatively is evolving drastically. A couple of days ago my stepdad pulled a gun on my mom in front of my younger brother. My younger brother explained this event to me and older sister. He also stated that he had to intervene between my parents. I am very worried for my mother, but I do not know where to start helping legally and fast.
  • What happens with a order of protection when the plaintiff contacts the defendant?
  • My husband was arrested after an arrangement we had we got kinda loud so the next door neighbor called the cops when they arrive my husband was already packed up and out the door he didnt put his hands on me but he did break the phone. I told the cops I didnt want him arrested. Why would they still take him and how can I get him out ASAP
  • I see a lot of doctrine that establishes the means of acquiring a Protection Order, but I see nothing in regards to the ramifications of filing a false one. So my question is; does filing a false Protection Order, also include immunity from prosecution? Is there any justice for anyone who has been the victim of a system remedy, which has been abused to the point where it has become weapon, rendering it ineffective? Its ironic that a system created to help victims, in turn makes victims. Was that the intended purpose, to deprive fathers of their children and create a plethora problems?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program