Parental Rights & Obligations Article

Adoption and Child Welfare

The Adoption & Child Welfare LawSite is a free, online service for both adoptive families and professionals.  It is the nation’s only comprehensive searchable site for statutes, regulations, key cases and leading articles about adoption and child welfare law from all 50 states.


Summary of Arizona Adoption Statutes

This Summary includes the following information

  • Who May be Adopted

  • Who May Place an Adoptee

  • Who May Adopt

  • Who May not Adopt

  • Types of Adoptions

  • Consent Requirements and Information

  • Procedures

  • Safe Surrender Laws

  • Access to Records

  • Financial Issues

Summary of Arizona Termination of Parental Rights Statutes

This Summary includes statutes and explanations of following information

  • Involuntary Parental termination

  • Notice Rights

  • Grounds for Parental Termination

  • Process

  • Dispositions

  • To access links to Arizona statues, cases and articles about adoption and Child Welfare, go to 



    • What are my rights if I am kicked out by family member?
    • If my grandparents were awarded permanent guardianship would I still be charged for child support
    • We have Jount Custody, with I being Primary. His parenting time is every other weekend. He is moving 175 miles away soon, do I have to meet him halfway without going to court first? I do not have reliable transportation due to him being $10,0000 behind in Child support. Would I be in contempt or would he need to get a court date to first change the parenting time to include meeting half way? Currently he is to pick them up at school and drop them back off at school, as we do not get along. Does that remain in effect till legally changed?
    • If a child is born out of wedlock and the parents later marry,then separate does the father have equal paternal rights to that child?
    • Are there any type of communication laws, guidelines,(w/ the mother) that are necessary for when I have my children during my parenting time?
    • My 16 year old son was taken to the emergency room for taking pills and scratching his arm. There is no disputing that he needs inpatient care to help with his depression. The hospital has been very helpful, but are telling us that he may be transfered to a facility that we are not comfortable sending him to. What rights do we have when it comes to making sure that he goes to a facility we have investigated and approve of? We do not want him to go to a place that has terrible staff and facility reviews, and are looking out for his best interest.
    • I currently have an estranged husband but my husband was deported 3 years ago. Can I get his parental rights terminated if he has not paid child support on 3 children nor bothered in their upbringing in 5 years?
    • I married a girl that already had a 3yr old.Because she came out pregnant from me.After a yr. of being pregnant she decided to change her sons last name to mine.We divorced after 6yrs. and she said in court I'm her son's father although we DO NOT have a father and son relationship.She lied when she filled out our divorced papers sayin we got married when her son was 9mnths. and NOT 3yrs. and about me being his only father figure.So im having to pay child support for him too.Im not allowed to see my daughter cause i dont have contact with her son.What can I DO to NOT have responsibilities over him
    • my ex- girlfriend passed away I am the biological father but her new boyfriend sign the birth certificate as the father, I want to get custody of my child now that the mom is deceased, what are my legal rights
    • i need direction in finding a class were i can take for reinterduction so that i may see my children




    • Please select your county of residence below.



    • State Bar of Arizona
    • Maricopa County Bar
      Referral number 602-257-4434
    • Pima County Bar
      Referral number 520-623-4625
    • National Domestic Violence Hotline
    • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
    • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program