Protection Orders Article

Where to Find an Attorney for Specific Legal Advice

Arizona has three legal aid organizations which cover different regions of the state.

  1. Community Legal Services (800) 852-9075 covers Maricopa, Mohave, Yavapai, Yuma and LaPaz Counties.
  2. Southern Arizona Legal Aid (800) 640-9465 covers southern Arizona.
  3. DNA People’s Legal Services (800) 789-7287 covers northern Arizona.

All legal service programs in Arizona differ, and their criteria for accepting cases vary. The legal aid organizations above all have the same criteria of income restrictions and legal status requirements, but do have varying priorities.

To find out about more Arizona resources that may be able to assist you, you can contact LegalLEARN, Legal Information & Resources at (866) 637-5341.

Individuals may apply for free and reduced fee legal services by using the "Access To Justice Online Intake System" through AZLawHelp. 

If the legal services program in your area cannot assist you, you may be able to find a lawyer through lawyer referral services in Maricopa County (602) 257-4434 or Pima County (520) 623-4625.

The State Bar also maintains a listing of all Arizona attorneys on their website, and certifies “specialists” in eight legal areas. (Not all attorneys seek such certification, however.) Lists of specialists can also be found at the State Bar of Arizona’s website.



  • Does the plaintiff of a protective order need to follow the same order as no contact order can the plaintiff contact the defendant
  • I have a court order for parenting time that my Ex is not complying with. We have a court date set for the end of February. But today I was served with an order of protection but I have never threatened any harm. Can she use this order of protection to keep my kids from me? Or will she have to comply with the existing court ordered parenting time unless a judge approves modifications to it?
  • If I try and get a restraining order for my 17 year old daughter against her boyfriend, can she deny it because she is 17 ?
  • Is there a law or work on a law regarding couples involved in domestic violence requiring them to seek counseling separately. Or, more specifically, if doing counseling with a couple when domestic violence is apparent, are therapists then required to refer to separate therapists for the individuals of the couple?
  • I was contacted by the Sheriffs dept. and told an Order of Protection was served to me the past April. I was never served any documents or aware of this. How may I get a record (copy) of this service?
  • my live in boyfriend of three years was removed from my home which i own with pfa order. if the pfa is overturned at the hearing will he be able to move back in. he has threatened my life in the past.
  • I have been wrongly served an Injunction against Harassment (IAH) notice. I want to challenge this, but in the meantime, I also want to get a protection order against the plaintiff. Is it wise for me to do so? Also, I plan on challenging the injunction. Should I seek attorney counsel? Or should I represent myself at the hearing?
  • I was granted an order of protection from a judge after receiving death threats from former employer for resigning after enduring abuse. They are now harassing me by means of my unemployment. Such as making up lies about me and appealing constantly. They are even giving bad reviews of me to potential employers. What are my options??
  • I live with my ex girlfriend. It has become turbulent. The past year plus she has physically/verbally/objects thrown at me/harassing email-text/threats on my life-police-suing me etc. This is a daily event. I have been told by family to file a PFA. She has no car and we dont know anybody here(From out of state). I work at home and pay 99% of the bills. Along with all the above issues my business is is also affected affected(I am forced out of the apartment almost daily). I am concerned that if I get a PFA they will ask me to leave because I have a car(she does not)--now what?-plus im a guy?
  • When you have someone on Facebook making threats to you about a service you did for them and they didn't like it now they want to threaten you and go to places you're at to hurt you




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program