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  • I got a 90-day notice to vacate the premises I have got one month left I have to be out the end of April and now with the stuff going around and the governor ordering you to stay at home do I have any rights to vacate the premises or what should I do
  • Can I get UI if I work as a substitute teacher while looking for fulltime permanent work?
  • My son turns 18 years in a few months. I feel it necessary to move him out of the house when he turns 18. I have heard that it isn't that simple. Can I simply ask him to leave and if he doesn't what are my rights? Since age 16 he has been destructive, disrespectful and has stolen thousands of dollars from us. Police have been involved, therapists, family therapist, case managers etc... The home is in turmoil... It's time for him to go.
  • I am divorced and I have sole custody of our 12 yr old daughter. Her father had moved out of state for 4 years. He never made effort to see he. We had a parenting plan that reglected the long distance. r. In Aug 2014 he moved back to Az. So we started a visitation schedule of every other weekend and option of Wednesday overnights. My daughter was happy at first. But over the past 1 1/2 year she doesn't want to visit as much. He's very angry, and he is verbally and emotionally abusive. I need advice. How can I protect her and reduce his visits?
  • My judgement was set aside in 2012. How come I am not able to pass a background check when I am applying for work? What other steps can I take to close my judgement?
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  • What to do with an exwife that has not followed the judge orders on the separation of goods after the divorece was done. She is still taking money from my account,she has taken things from my home, how can I get her out of my life and make her return all the money and goods she has taken afte the divorce?
  • how long do I have to file a civil law suit against the kingman pd and Mohave county sheriffs dept
  • My ex-husband uses communication with our children to continue being verbally abusive to me. He also will not keep to set times that we agreed upon for parenting time. I have the children 5 days/week. What do I need to do to get a third party to handle communication and exchanges regarding our children? I do not want my ex-husband to be able to contact me or know where I live. How do I coordinate an order of protection/injunction against harassment with the local Court with a Supreme Court action (3rd party to handle interactions with the kids)?
  • My rent has increased each the lease i signed back in Sept 2017, I'm responsible for utilities. There's no fixed flat rate stated only saids 50& based on occupants and 50% on unit size. Should my utility bill be the same each month then?? I believe some illegal activity is goimg on Amd i want to know my rignts.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program