
Family and Children


  • I am 18 years old and my little sister (age 8) is currently in a CPS case. It looks as if my mother will lose, but the woman that wants to take my little sister is not a good woman. Is there a way that I can adopt my sister? I have a very steady job as a nanny, so I could have her with me at work. I live in a good apartment. I have all the means necessary to raise a child. Is there any way that it is possible?
  • How soon can a step parent adopt step children if the biological father has been completely absent the children's entire life?
  • I don't know who the father of my son is and there is no father listed on the birth certificate. My boyfriend would like to adopt my son when we marry in October- we have been together for 4 years. How do we start the adoption process?
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  • wutsteps shuld I take to gain custody of my nephew, 12 yrs old, who now is living with my sister, not his parent
  • want to find out information on adoption,for a child that is not biologically is not mine. his mother and i were involved after she became pregent. he is now 10 and i have been there helping raise him since he was born. his biological father has not seen him in 9 years, and owes 16,000 dollars in child support.His mother and i are not togther anymore but i he spends every other weekend with me and holidays with me and i would like to adopit him
  • at age 9 my mother remarried and he adopted me. I didn't want this cause I new my father would return. My natural father never new my mom was pregnant for him. I learned of my father at age 23. We are trying to build a relation ship, and I want my bio name back .What can I do?
  • I am the legal guardian of my two grandsons. Their mother (my daughter) is in prison. The father refuses to accept any responsibility saying they are not his children, even though he was married to my daughter when all three of the children were born. The Court has ordered him to have paternity testing, but he has refused to do so. I am 52 years old and need help supporting these children. Since their father refuses, and their mother is in prison, can I adopt these children and get any kind of aid for them?
  • ive had this child for 10 years, she thinks im her mom, but i have only legal and Permanente physical custody, i want to adopt her
  • When children are ADOPTED by the grandparents and the children were in cos custody at the time they were adopted. Does the grandparent get monthly checks fro the state?



  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program