questions & answers
Question: My ex-husband uses communication with our children to continue being verbally abusive to me. He also will not keep to set times that we agreed upon for parenting time. I have the children 5 days/week. What do I need to do to get a third party to handle communication and exchanges regarding our children? I do not want my ex-husband to be able to contact me or know where I live. How do I coordinate an order of protection/injunction against harassment with the local Court with a Supreme Court action (3rd party to handle interactions with the kids)?
Family Law stiuations often are fact specific and can be complicated. If you feel you need to consult an attorney, there are resources listed on this website.
You may want to review the material posted on this site about Protective Orders. The article titled, "Things you Should Know about Protective Orders" provides useful information. The Arizona Supreme Court has forms for orders of protection on the Supreme Court's website. Also, you may want to contact your local Superior Court to find out more information. You may want to inform them that you have a custodial arrangement that you would like addressed with your protective order.
My ex-husband uses communication with our children to continue being verbally abusive to me. He also will not keep to set times that we agreed upon for parenting time. I have the children 5 days/week. What do I need to do to get a third party to handle communication and exchanges regarding our children? I do not want my ex-husband to be able to contact me or know where I live. How do I coordinate an order of protection/injunction against harassment with the local Court with a Supreme Court action (3rd party to handle interactions with the kids)?
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