Child Support
questions & answers
Question: I have been divorced from my wife since 1996 and have Joint custody of our only child. She was named as primary residence and I was ordered to pay child support. My son has been living with me for the past seven years and my ex-wife has given back my child support that is taken from my check every month since then. We both wish to stop this as it has become a hassle and neither wishes to pay child support. What forms do I need to stop this.
If you and your ex wife agree, you have the option of filing a "stipulation" with the court. Here are some form links on the Maricopa Superior Court's webpage that may be able to provide you with more information. If you do not reside in Maricopa County, you may want to contact your superior court to see what forms are available there.
I have been divorced from my wife since 1996 and have Joint custody of our only child. She was named as primary residence and I was ordered to pay child support. My son has been living with me for the past seven years and my ex-wife has given back my child support that is taken from my check every month since then. We both wish to stop this as it has become a hassle and neither wishes to pay child support. What forms do I need to stop this.
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