Domestic Violence
questions & answers
Question: My ex is pregnant and we have tried but cannot get along I have asked her to leave she will not. She does not work nor has she the entire time we have been together. We do not own any property or rent a apartment or home together. I have a travel trailler I just purchased and found a cheap yard to store it and live in temporarily only two weeks ago. We have tried well given a chance to say the least. I tried for the sake of new coming baby. Her violence and abuse threatening and destroying my property ruining my work equipment and vehicle. She has been arrested one time already for violence.
It is unclear what your legal question is. If you are renting property and only your name is on the lease than you may have eviction rights. You may want to consult an attorney on your options. Many questions can be answered by the Arizona Residential Landlord Tenant Act (the "Act") found here:
My ex is pregnant and we have tried but cannot get along I have asked her to leave she will not. She does not work nor has she the entire time we have been together. We do not own any property or rent a apartment or home together. I have a travel trailler I just purchased and found a cheap yard to store it and live in temporarily only two weeks ago. We have tried well given a chance to say the least. I tried for the sake of new coming baby. Her violence and abuse threatening and destroying my property ruining my work equipment and vehicle. She has been arrested one time already for violence.
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State Bar of Arizona -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Volunteer Lawyers Program – DNA
View full description - Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc.
View full description - National Domestic Violence Hotline
View full description - Scottsdale Granite Reef Senior Center
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