Birth Certificate
questions & answers
Question: if a judge order the fathers name to be put on the birth certificate and DNA was done many years later and proved the person on the birth certificate was not the father how can i remove the listed father
Answer: A.R.S. §36-323 governs the rule for amending registered certificates. Pursuant to subsection A.R.S. 36-323B(1) – the state registrar shall amend a registered birth certificate to show the new name if there has been a request made by the person, the person’s parent or the person’s legal guardian and the state registrar has received a court order to change the name on the registered birth certificate. The forms required by the Maricopa County Superior Court can be found on the self-service center. The title of the packet is – Correct a Birth Certificate for a MINOR. This packet will contain the instructions and forms necessary to begin the process. Once a person has received the court order approving the name change, the next step is to contact the Arizona Department of Vital Records (AZDHS). AZDHS requires an affidavit to be completed and signed in the presence of a notary public. Further, evidentiary support for the name change (the certified court order – that states the information currently on the birth certificate and the new information to be listed on the birth certificate), and completed and signed Arizona Vital Records Request for Copy of Birth Certificate, and a copy of the front and back of the requesting person’s valid government photo identification that includes the signature of the individual who signed the affidavit. The requesting party must include a cashier’s check, money order, or credit card information in the amount of $30 for the correction fee. Lastly, include a pre-paid postage envelope. Sources: Arizona Department of Vital Records, Arizona Revised Statutes, and Maricopa County Superior Court
if a judge order the fathers name to be put on the birth certificate and DNA was done many years later and proved the person on the birth certificate was not the father how can i remove the listed father
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