Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
questions & answers
Question: We notified landlord we are terminating our lease that is effective through September 08. We actually vacated the house June 11. We asked landlord to find another tenant that could move in before out lease is up so we can get out of our lease early. Landlord said they were looking for new tenant but then said they wanted their friends to move in Jan. 09. They are playing with our money now by not looking for a new tenant. Can they do that?
A lease is a binding contractual agreement between the indviduals who signed it. The terms of the signed agreement are the terms that must be followed unless the contract was renegotiated and agreed on by both people.
However, there are specific rights and responsibilities for both landlords and tenants. You may want to review the Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act to see about the requirements for both landlords and tenants in Arizona.
We notified landlord we are terminating our lease that is effective through September 08. We actually vacated the house June 11. We asked landlord to find another tenant that could move in before out lease is up so we can get out of our lease early. Landlord said they were looking for new tenant but then said they wanted their friends to move in Jan. 09. They are playing with our money now by not looking for a new tenant. Can they do that?
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