Landlord and Tenant - Mobile Home Parks
questions & answers
Question: Does Management have right to evict my son whose my caregiver for last 4years? Accusations of my son have been made without support. What recourse do we have since there is a medical letter on file I require live-in caregiver.
Answer: In Arizona landlord/tenant law, there is a special exception to the usual rules for live-in caregivers only when the Arizona Mobile Home Parks Residential Landlord and Tenant Act applies, which is when the tenant owns the mobile home or trailer but rents lot space in a mobile home park. (There is no exception to the usual rules for live-in caregivers in other sorts of rented dwellings: apartments, condos, single-family homes, etc.) What the Arizona Mobile Home Parks Residential Landlord and Tenant Act says is the following: “A resident may have one person at least eighteen years of age occupy the resident’s mobile home on a temporary basis to provide necessary live-in health care to the resident pursuant to a written treatment plan prepared by the resident’s physician. The landlord may require the resident to provide a written renewal of the physician’s treatment plan every six months. The landlord shall not charge a fee for the person rendering care. The person rendering care has no rights of tenancy, and any agreement between the resident and person rendering care in no way modifies any term or condition of the rental agreement between the landlord and tenant. The person rendering care shall comply with the rules and regulations of the mobile home park” (A.R.S. 33-1413.03).
Does Management have right to evict my son whose my caregiver for last 4years? Accusations of my son have been made without support. What recourse do we have since there is a medical letter on file I require live-in caregiver.
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